Chapter 18

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After school Stiles headed over to Scott's house.

"I can't believe him! He kissed Lydia! Lydia!!" He yells

I reach over and take his hand.

"It's the full moon, tomorrow he'll probably be apologizing a million times and be back to his old dorky self."

Stiles nods squeezing my hand, to acknowledge it's there.

"I'm still angry."

"Me too, and that's why I brought this to make you feel better."

I reach into my bag and pull out a dog bowl.

"Oh my god. Okay, I love you so much right now."

I laugh, "I love you too."

When we pull up to the house stiles grabs a sharpie and writes Scott on the dog bowl.

"Are we horrible people for finding so much joy in this?" I ask.


We get out of the car, Stiles pulls out a key to their house.

"Did Scott give you a key?"


"You know, sometimes you really scare me."

"It's probably for the best."

I laugh as he opens the door and we step in.


A woman comes out, obviously his mom. She had dark hair with tight curls, that had a way of shaping her face in a flattering matter.

"Stiles, and Juliet." Stiles corrects.


"Yeah. I had one made, so - "

"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me."

"I had the same reaction." I smile sweetly at her.

She chuckles, "In don't think we've met, before. I'm Melissa."

She sticks out her hand and I shake it.

"I'm Juliet, one of Scott's friends."

"She's a new addition." Stiles adds.

I roll my eyes at him. He smiles at me.

Stiles throws the bag on the ground, forgetting about the massive amounts of chains in it.

The bag hits the ground with a loud thud and Scott's mom eyes Stiles suspiciously.

"What is that?" She asks pointing to the bag.

"Uh, school project."

"Mmm." She hums we begin to walk past her when she stops us, "Stiles, he's okay, right?"

"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally."

I knew he was lying, but that's probably because I know what's going on. If I didn't I'd be completely oblivious.

So I just hum and nod my approval.

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to."

My heart went out for her, mostly because I'm sure my adopted parents felt that way about Jax and I. Not that they were around us enough for it to make a difference.

"Well, he's had a bit of a rough week." I say.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um - Okay, uh - Be careful tonight." She says heading to the door.

Out Of The Shadows • Derek Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now