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Darkness enveloped the both of them; it was like time stood still. She felt nothing at the bottom of her feet but she could feel Naraku's arm wrapped around her waist tight. So tight, as if to secure her from running. Away from him? Or away from the situation?

There was a shift in the air around Mei. She couldn't discern whether she was transporting or was she even moving anywhere but she could feel Naraku hold her body close as her body felt like it was separating then coming back together in some immense pressure. It made her nauseous but he continued his grasp. He continued to pull her closer to his warm chest. She could smell him- sweet brimstone. His chest rose irregularly but she tried her hardest to count the breaths.


She could almost feel his entire essence on the tip of her tongue and it made her femininity run wild.

Without even taking a second thought, guiding herself in the darkness to locate the proper anatomy, she closed her eyes and planted butterfly kisses along what she assumed to be his collar bone. Little by little, with pleasurable nicks at the skin, she could feel his breathing grow a little more uneven and his muscles flex. His neck tensed, and a low grumble would vibrate against her ear. When she pried a little too deep to her assumption, he let out a trembling growl that only triggered her demonic lusts to act further. He welcomed the act with a subtle press of his fingers into her lower back and a mischievously low chuckle.

"Now, lass," Naraku warned playfully "Why not contain that excitement for when we're back in the chambers and i-" she felt him cup her chin in the darkness and, without physically seeing his form, she felt his dark smile spreading from cheek to cheek and his presence loomed over her but not in an authoritarian manner, but in a...protective, longing, admirative state.

Like a cherished painting's ink still drying, he took her all in.

"I'll give you all that you desire."

One could watch the spider lily bloom, separate, and cascade into the wind where it would disappear into the heavens. But one wouldn't dare force this lily to dance without it gathering its feet first.

- - - - -

The darkness was unbearable. She felt her body grow weak and her nauseous sensation rile up yet again. Just how much longer? She couldn't stand the vast unknown any longer! Her stomach rumbled, and her chest heaved. Just before her mouth began to salivate in anticipation for retching her last meal of fish and rice, their feet landed on the cold, wooden floor that she had escaped from for what felt like months ago.

Standing in the center of the room looking around, she couldn't help but wonder: just how long was she gone? It's like time didn't move. The wood was still polished, fresh, and hinted a scent of lemon. The lighting was still dim and her small materials were still lined neatly against the large body mirror. It was... eerily standstill.

𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯  犬夜叉 ♡  ; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now