memoirs of a blackened past

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There was an air of doubt and discomfort between Tetsuo and Hide. Even Kenji bore his doubts on his face as they exited the tent. Sucking his teeth, he shook his head slowly while picking at his bowl of beef, fish and rice. Kenji knew that Tetsuo's temper would get the best out of him 9 times out of 10 but he knew if anyone were to find anything suspicious about, it would be him. Granted, taking on Hide as an apprentice was his choice given authorization from the Lord he reported to, and although his choice alone, the others had to accept it. He knew he was an outsider, he knew he was a "stray" - a term which they called demons who wandered aimlessly through the countryside, lost and fatigued, dwindled of their demonic pride to die in the wastelands of their shortcomings. Kenji knew all of this, because he was all of this, until his Master trained him to be the renowned Samurai he is today. Call it retribution, call it pity, but if it was in his gut he would trust the outcome. And, so far, he hasn't been wrong.

"That Tetsuo just doesn't know to be quiet sometimes." Kenji spat, poking at his fish.

Daisuke was silent, but his face showed a slight disagreement, "Which all may be very true, you have to remember that Tetsuo is not known to trust easily. And neither are you, Kenji, if I might add." Kenji didn't understand, but he kept his face neutral, silently motioning for him to elaborate.

"We have all fallen into the hands of betrayal. From our men to the nobles to the women we lay with at night. Everyone is out for their own gain when circumstances begin to trivialize and you can't fault Tetsuo for not wanting to get involved in a circumstance that doesn't immediately need him."

"And besides, the boy is a fucking klutz. Every single time we train him he either drops his sword or stumbles into the armory. I don't know why you bother with him, he's a lost cause."

Kenji's jaw tightened at his remarks. He heard all of those words before and it angered him hearing his comrade say such brutal words about the boy.  Daisuke and Tetsuo didn't know of his plans with the boy, but the way that they were easily annoyed with his presence didn't show a good sign for the future outcome.

"I can understand your disagreements with my decision, but all i ask is for you to be patient with him. He is rough, I'll admit to that." Daisuke snorted in agreement, "But, he has potential. And for as long as he has potential I will take him on as an apprentice."

"Then why don't you train with him? And see what it is that Tetsuo and I are saying?"

He wondered himself why he didn't think of that. He was incredulously busy surveying the land, analyzing the maps, and writing letters to the point he forgot the point of having an apprentice. He needed to be trained under him.

"I'd love to, actually. Let's arrange for-"

There was a strong aura that swept through the camp. Both Kenji and Daisuke felt the ominous presence but Daisuke was the one who jumped to action first. Unsheathing his blade, Daisuke hurried out the tent to further investigate.

"Stay behind, just in case its closer than we thought."

"Nonsense," Kenji stood to his feet, grabbing his trusted black katana. In the hilt of the blade shone a purple light emanating from small, fragile looking crystals. This sword was entrusted to him from his master that he held on to for what felt like a lifetime. Nobody understood its power, but he knew that it was sought after by many demons, good and bad alike. Because of this sword, he was able to lure out any threats that surrounded the kingdom but it also meant that dangerous demons were always lurking around him. For as long as he could protect the kingdom, he would wear this sword with the rest of his armor. But, eventually, he would need to part with it for the sake of protecting his family. The question of when, and how, was continuously on his mind.

"I'm coming with you. This presence feels more threatening than not." Daisuke responded to his urgency with a grunt. Daisuke looked about the camp, it was relatively empty. Their men were either resting or preparing for the trek back home which meant the camp grounds wouldn't show a single face till the evening. It played a perfect opportunity since it gave the pair a chance to move freely without having to soothe frantic guards but it also played a disadvantage to who would be ready for a battle if one broke out.

This could play out terribly bad, Daisuke thought. He took in a breath, maintaining his calm and cool demeanor. He couldn't smell Hide or Tetsuo anywhere which made him all the more worried.

"Take to the left and I'll cover the perimeter to the right." Daisuke instructed. Kenji nodded to his instruction, sprinting to the outside perimeter of the castle.


"So then, he would take his sword, hold it hiiigh in the air," Mei held both of her hands up in the air, stretched high into the sky as best as she could without toppling into the water. She was in the middle of re-enacting her story telling while brushing Kagura's hair in the lake outside the perimeter of the castle.  She was so consumed in her storytelling that she didn't realize the sun was setting before them. The water was still cool from the daylight and the forest was peacefully quiet.

"And next thing you know, he would bring the sword down and slice the watermelon perfectly down the middle. He made it seem so effortless!" Kagura could hint the high praises Mei had about her father. How she recounted every detail, even down to the smells in the air that day.

"And this is the same sword that your father gave to you?"

"Mhm! Tilt your head back," Kagura followed her instruction, sighing in relief at the cool stream of water that slid down her scalp and back into the ravine.

"So you mean to tell me the great revered demon lord was using that sword to cut fruit with you?"

"Of course not! My mother made sure he didn't bring any of that nonsense  to the house. But it wasn't like i wasn't training on the castle guards with my servants."

"Your servants?"

"Yes, well. .  I never saw them as servants. They were just appointed to serve me and help me in  building my swordsmanship. Of course i didn't carry a blade, but a wooden knife. It wasn't until i was about. .  15 , yes 15. That's when i got my first sword. And even then, it was nothing but a Tanto."

Kagura didn't know whether to make heads or tails of the answer. Her silence led Mei to assume she wanted her to continue.

"My father and I sparred a few times, but i was still a novice at the skill. You should have seen him, he was quick, he had superb ability, and his strikes were sure to cut me down had they had been real weapons. Many times throughout our battle he would have this smirk across his face, almost like a cunning fox."

Kagura closed her eyes while Mei massaged her scalp. The visual of her father in battle grew clearer as she continued to describe it for her.

"He always had long hair. Jet black and in a middle or low ponytail. It was one time when we sparred that i managed to knock his hair loose from its restraints. The battle was intense because he kept encouraging me to strike, to push back, to fight like i meant it.. And then he looked at me with such a glint in his eyes, it was like he wasn't human. I was so terrified," she shook her head, shuddering at the thought, "I ended the battle and ran straight to my mom."

"It was then she told me his secret. That she and he were both demons. And that I was one as well."

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