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I sometimes consider myself to be a fool. I know all of this is wrong and that I once lived a life of dignity. I lived a life of promise and one of refinement. Since losing my father, I lost the last fragment of what I thought to be good for me in this world. I didn't know until my solitude how quickly I adopted to survival. Not to live but to maintain my existence on this earth. But, not only was I left to my own thoughts that I realized that I wasn't in fact living. Not for a long time.

A part of me knows Naraku is wrong for me. A part of me still craves him. Inuyasha's words still echo in my ear but I refuse to believe. I refuse to accept. Because if I accept.. will I have anything left?

If I were to walk away from Naraku, would it be worth cowering into the woods yet again?

The fact that I teeter between the two concerns me so. So... so much...


"Inuyasha, we have to find her! I found her sword but- but the jewel isn't in there! I'm afraid that something has happened to Mei and that her jewel was stolen!"

Kagome, with a  burning worry in her eyes, held onto the Inuyasha's kimono as he whisked through the trees while Sango and Miroku took to looking for Mei on foot. In her mind, she assumed Mei could be close and that there was still time to find her, return her sword, and aide her in looking for the sword.

A deep-seated guilt riddled itself deep within her. She knew Inuyasha's hotheadedness would come to haunt him, she just regretted it to have Mei in the crossfires.

"Kagome," Inuyasha reminded Kagome carefully, "I don't think Mei is even around here anymore. I can't pick up her scent anywhere."

"That's not true! She was just here a moment ago, Inuyasha. And besides," she shook her sword in her hand with reassurance. Truth is, deep down she didn't know if Mei was around or not but she was willing to give it a try. She had to be somewhere closeby.. right.

Inuyasha sighed in apprehension at the whole ordeal. He didn't want to inform Kagome that this was all for naught but he knew it would only make her all the more sadder. What was he to say when he was essentially the one who ran her off by accusing her of harming Kagome?

He couldn't do much else but abide by her request and search along the trees for Mei even though her scent was long gone..

"Kagome," Inuyasha contemplated aloud "Let's meet up with the others while we brainstorm what to do next. Sango and Miroku have already searched the south while I've taken the north. If she were to be in sight, I would have spotted her by now.

With reluctance, Kagome nodded, tucking the hilt of her sword under her armpit. The wind whisked through her raven hair with each leap Inuyasha made from tree to tree. She could hear her heart thump in her ears with the looming reality sitting right in front of her.

"Okay.. lets meet the others."


And with her approval, Inuyasha descended from the trees with a whistle to signal for the others to regroup at camp.






"Kilala couldn't locate her scent anywhere either, Kagome." Sango regrettably informed Kagome. Kagome stood next to Inuyasha with pleading eyes as she relied the disappointing news. Sango couldn't bear to watch the pain build in her gaze. She shifted her sight uncomfortable to Miroku, who also shook their head for any clues.

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