NARAKU | pov #1

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I'm going to focus more on Naraku's POV to balance the story out, sorry for the absence, school and stuff.

End note.

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A fair young lass has come across my radar as of lately. I'm not too sure about her whereabouts or what her motif was to even find me, but one can only assume that she came across me thanks to the help of a friendly merchant who gets paid handsomely for sending me gullible greedy demons in hopes of riches.

And when they don't have what I am questing for, they are simply disposed of.

My pets made me aware of her presence through their usual routines around the forest, not a brave soul would travel this deep into an inhabited forest without a guide or a proper sense of direction.

And as I watched her, I noticed not a navigation alive would halt her determination.

But what really caught my eye about this Lass, was her sword.

Jet - black hilt with a golden holster, and the Shikon Jewel embedded in the blade; one couldn't see it from the naked eye, but I knew the presence of a Shikon Jewel when I knew it to be so. She had something much more valuable than her own life among her, and whomever she bribed to retrieve such a weapon with refined qualities sure didn't note its sheer potential.

One could rule the nation with the jewel; and I, could harbor immense power among the western and eastern lands once it is near completion. But one small piece shouldn't halt my mission.

So I allowed her to enter in my domain until she was at a vulnerable position; and vulnerable it was.

I watched her... porcelain skin carrying the same translucency as rice wine and irresistibly smooth. No doubt the Lass was a demon, she harbored no signs of aging and those eyes, a deepened red with subtle hints of pink that resembled Camellias. And her locks that flowed carelessly among the ripples of the currents as if it had a mind of its own, it took Kagura's senseless nagging to snap me out of my trance.

"Kagura." I said to her, my voice making a clear impression that she was rear - ending my nerves and I needed to make some form of an excuse for her to be busy. That damned Kagura, many of days I regret incarnating her because she displays a blatant resistance to me, but she dare not defy me. Not with her life on the tips of my fingertips.

No matter how far you run Kagura, you'll always be rebounded back to me.

"Be on standby to prepare a room for a guest." I focused my attention back on Kanna's mirror, her stoned expression never faltering as she sat beside me with her hands gently nestling her ornate mirror on her lap.

I wondered what Kanna was thinking, but oftentimes I didn't; I don't think she would even bother to share the information to me of her own free will.

And that is what I preferred - distance amongst my subjects.

My focus still on the mirror, I stood to my feet and draped my jacket over my kimono, not even realizing Kagura hadn't budged an inch since I instructed her of her orders.

I cut my eyes at the wench, a present scowl looming across my lips. "Kagura, this wasn't a friendly notice, you go and you do as you are told."

The lass was on the move, it wouldn't be long until she would reach the clearing.

I huffed past Kagura's stale expression, unabashed by her blatant defiance. This attitude of hers wasn't anything of the new. She reminded me of a bratty child who needed constant disciplinary actions up until the point the parent gives up and lets the child run free with limitations.

Kagura was that child.

As long as she didn't disrespect me nor my wishes, she would not receive the rod.

I slipped on my boots and headed out of the door with a grin. From the faint yells in the background I could tell the Lass was close by, now was the time to give my pets the OK for the Miasma. I stood in front of my manor and shielded my eyes from glaring sun, keeping my ears alert for the woman's struggle to cease; it took approximately 20 seconds.

The walk towards the forest clearing was brief, but as I grew closer I felt pulled in by her scent. It was a sweet pungency to it that nauseated my stomach, but it continued to draw me closer.

As I stood over her unconscious body I could see that this demon woman was one blessed with their appearances despite her worn clothes and tattered shoes. She didn't seem to be one of harder living environments but right now, my concern was the sword.

I looked up at my pets with a slight nod, signaling them to gather the possessions in hand and go ahead.

"Up you go, Mistress." I chuckled at my own humored entails as I hoisted the Lady over my shoulder, she was as light as a basin of rice and, just as soft as silk.

I shook my head of these embezzled thoughts and continued my walk, silently hoping Kagura proceeded with room preparations as I stated.


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Hm. Naraku is still an ass. But he's still a man.

End note.

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𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯  犬夜叉 ♡  ; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now