willing cascade into the wind

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"Kagura!" Mei shouted. She gritted her teeth and turned the direction of the blades of wind as the dust settled. The last of the demon dissipated, leaving only a single Shikon Jewel.

"What the hell did you do that for! We were having a conversation!"

Mei threw her hand to the side as she spoke. Frustration sat at the back of her neck and surged through her body. She needed to know what that demon meant by her words, but now she'll never know.

Was Naraku the reason for this demon to suffer for such an infinite amount of time? What did she even do to warrant such punishment?

Was this going to be her fate?

She couldn't get the image of the demon out of her head. The same frothy foam that permeated from its flesh resembled the same foam she saw coming out of Naraku's arm back at the castle.

She just couldn't get the image out of her head. The groans still echoed in her head and it made the hair on her arms stand straight up .

Kagura shut her fan closed. She walked into the clearing, covering her nose with said fan the closer she walked up to where the demon remained. A soft solaced expression washed over her face as she leaned over to pick up the shard. It was covered in the blackened ash but nonetheless it was the shard.

With her mouth turned down, she tucked it into her breast pocket, saying a silent prayer for the demon to cross over. She could feel Mei's eyes burning into her and she knew she needed answers. But it wasn't an answer she was equipped to give.

"So you're not going to say anything? You killed this demon and you say nothing? You know what," Mei threw her hands down, huffing out an imaginary thicket of smoke.

"I'm not going to stand for this for another day." She said. She turned on her heel to walk the opposite direction but jolted back as Kagura reached forward to cease her walking.

"Let me go!" Mei shouted, pulling her arm free but to no avail.

"Dammit Kagura let me go-"

"Let you go to go where, Mei?" Kagura quizzed. This was the first time she's called her by her name.

"You leave and go off into the forest on your own and its not only you that gets in trouble, but i do too. You can't-"

"Oh, all you've cared about is yourself!" Mei spat. She yanked her arm again with a groan of frustration, "Just be honest, Kagura! You've never cared for me and it's been nothing but an inconvenience for you to babysit me since I've come to this castle months ago!"

Kagura's face hardened but she never released her grip of Mei's arm.

"All the use I've been to any of you is the damn shard that's in my father's sword! You think I'm stupid? You nor Naraku could give a damn about me! Frankly, if you can so easily kill one of Naraku's old lovers you might as well kill me to-"

"And what would that solve, Mei?" Kagura frowned, pulling Mei's arm closer to her.

"Naraku wouldn't want harm to happen to yo-"

𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯  犬夜叉 ♡  ; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now