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Shippo and Kagome sat alongside the riverbed, Shippo with snacks and Kagome with her bow and arrow. She stared into the river, watching the fish cascade downwards into the unknown. Shippo could hint that her mind was elsewhere but decided not to bother her. So much had transpired in the last few weeks that a little silence wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Hmm.." Kagome rubbed the body of her bow, eyes narrowing in thought.

"Shippo," she reached behind her to grab her backpack that also doubled as a satchel. Reaching inside, she grabbed Mei's sword and pulled the hilt out of the knapsack. She rubbed the indentation where the shards used to be and frowned.

I could have done more. I should have done more. But what else was I supposed to do? She is the woman of Inuyasha's sworn enemy and- Inuyasha-

"Kagome?" she looked over at Shippo's direction without saying much else. Her eyes, sad and somber, focused back into the water. Shippo wondered what he could do, but then thought not to bother the issue any longer.

"Whatever happens, Kagome." Shippo placed a reassuring hand on her knee. "I'm sure her sword will make it back to her."

"Hm." That's true, but what's going to happen to Mei in the process? I-

"Kagome! Kagomeee!" Both Kagome and Shippo shot their heads up to the noise. In the distance she saw Inuyasha with Miroku, Sango on top of Kirara running towards them. Inuyasha was mouthing something that she couldn't make out.

"What!" She stood to her feet, sword clutched in her hand.

"—r ——d!"

"What! I can't hear you!"

"G—- Sw—-d!"

Kagome was growing frustrated. Before she could open her mouth again, she heard a familiar sound growing louder and louder. She turned on her heel and saw dozens of Saimiyosho rapidly approaching from the opposite direction.

Shippo noticed them too. With a jump, he buried his snacks in his kimono top and hid behind Kagome.

"Kagome! The Saimyosho are coming!" Kagome took a step back, a chill going up her spine.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha's voice boomed as he was only meters away.

"The sword! Give me the sword!" Kagome pivoted on her heel to start running Inyasha's direction only to be met with a blast of miasma. The Saimiyosho were angry, and she knew this was nothing but Naraku written all over it.

"Ah!" Kagome crouched down to cover her and Shippo, dropping the sword at her side.

"No! Kagome! Don't let go of the-" BOOM! The earth rumbled below them, sending everyone on foot toppling to the ground. They were standing near an open field, so what could that be? War machines? A mercenary battling in the forest?

No. The trees in front of them began to rumble as hoards of wildlife escaped the dark abyss from below and up high. The echoes of large footsteps grew louder and louder until the trees themself bowed down at the foot of a giant demon. He stood over the 80 ft trees with ease, glowing eyes darting madly around the premises. He looked to be made of earth, stone, and wood in some places. His teeth sharp and jaw slack as his eyes darted around, looking for something. Or somebody.

The group could vaguely make out some person sitting on its shoulder. Everyone but Inuyasha.

"Naraku." He seethed, clutching the hilt of his sword. "Come again to wreak havoc again in the name of your whore, I see."

Naraku narrowed his eyes at Inuyasha. His frown deepening as he spotted what he ultimately came for: Mei's sword.

"I wish no battle with you, Inuyasha. I am just here to fully collect what was lost in the forest. I-"

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