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Inuyasha snarled to himself as he jumped down into a clearing. It was deafly quiet but he could smell the bastard. He was ready for some bloodshed and just the thought of Naraku in his vicinity made his thirst even more detrimental.

"The act is up, Naraku!"' he spat. "Show your bastard face so I can match my blade with the face." Inuyasha unsheathed his Tetsusaiga with a snarl, the lightning flashing above him seeming twice as powerful. "Naraku! Last chance before I just blast you away!"



There was a low breeze, and then a low menacing chuckle. Slowly, Naraku revealed himself from behind a tree in his common Baboon costume, no doubt it was him and not one of his copies.

"Inuyasha." The words slid of his tongue with dark amusement. "I suppose our interaction with eachother would be anything less than controversial." He continued to chuckle. "We can skip the formalities, just hand over the jewel. And I'll be on my merry way."

"Fat chance!" Inuyasha got tired of his rambling, instantly striking his direction. When the dust settled, the baboon costume laying split in half on the ground, Naraku's chuckling echoing in between the trees.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called out from above, the gang looking down on him in worry. "Why didn't you wait for us? We told you about running off-"

"Kagome, watch out!" a large tentacle emerged itself out of the thickness of the forest and knocked Kilala down, sending everyone flying down the trees.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha bolted in action, catching each of his friends and Kilala before impacting with the boulders below.

Inuyasha set Kagome down, a hint of worry on his face. "Are you hurt?" Kagome shook her head, immediately hoisting herself on Inuyasha's back "Are you sure that's Naraku?" Inuyasha merely grunted, jumping at the top of the trees to search for him, Kagome readying her bow and arrow.

"He's on the move. We need to hurry, Kagome!"

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" Kagome finally had her bow and arrow affixed before another tentacle behind them snatched the weapon away.

Naraku stood atop the trees, an amused smile planted across his face. The tentacle retracted and dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, disappearing into the trees oncemore.

"Such a lovely weapon, I remember Kikyo had something just like this, don't you remember, Inuyasha?"

"Why you-" in blind fury, Inuyasha slashed his sword multiple times, all missing Naraku except for one, hitting him directly on the right arm, dropping the same bow and arrow to the ground with his hand still attached.

"Damn, you!" He cursed them, dropping down the trees in seering pain. He had to be on the move, or else it was going to get worse.

"No you don't!" There was a flash of light, and down came another strike from his sword, slashing at his calf.

"Fuh!" Naraku took a breath, the blood from his leg seeping down into his boots.

Where is that blasted Kagura? As if his words summoned her, he heard her shout above him. It was time to move.

"Inuyasha, you're a little too big to be just slinging around a sword bigger than you," she teased him, his face anything but amused.

"Kagura, stay the hell out of this." Inuyasha warned, Kagome looking down to spot her bow and arrow "I-I can't find it Inuyasha." She stammered, her heart rate quickening.

"Look for it Kagome, it has to be somewhere!"

Kagura smiled, bemused at the nervous expression on Kagome's face. "Lass, haven't you learned anything in battle? Never look away from your enemy!" Kagura slashed her fan in the wind, causing what appeared to be a tornado coming directly for Kagome, knocking her off Inuyasha and down to the ground.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha bolted back down to catch her, leaving Kagura to her own amusement "Mistake number TWO!" Kagura whipped two more gusts in the couple's direction, knocking Inuyasha off balance and sending the two sliding down into the dirt, Inuyasha catching and shielding Kagome from any additional blasts.

"Inuyasha.." Kagome said weakly, clutching her arm in pain. "We have to regroup with the others, she is too strong."

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Kagura left Kanna on her feather as she jumped down gracefully atop a boulder in front of the two, crossing her arms in delight with her fan tapping her forearm rhythmically.

"How cute, two lovers embracing each other in the moment of death." She raised her fan over her head, the wind picking up pace around them. "Now its time to say goodby-!"

Kagura, where is Mei? You were supposed to be watching her.

Kagura's eyes grew large, throwing her attention elsewhere. Shit!

Kagura lowered her hand, picking up a breeze around her to escape, but Inuyasha saw no parts in that.

"Oh no you don't!" Inuyasha bared his claws and slashed what appeared to be blood red slashes Kagura's direction, slashing her wrists in multiple directions.

"Shit! You brat! Kanna!"

There was a loud growl, and from the sky struck what appeared to be a large crystal spike separating Kagura from Inuyasha long enough for her to transport back onto the feather for retreat.

"The girl is missing," she cradled her forearm in pain "I told her to not cause me trouble." She seethed through her teeth, the blood trickling down her hand, staining her fan as it accumulated.

If she didn't find this girl, that means it's a Shikon Jewel lost, and that's an even greater loss.

"Ah! We can't go back without finding her. We.." Kagura bit her bottom lip, the wounds heating up spontaneously "Dammit, the brat cut me deep."

"Agh, Kanna, help me look for her." Kagura turned her back to Kanna, looking out in the distance as she cradled her arm.

Meanwhile, Kanna's mirror reflected Mei running in lighter, yet oversized kimono in the forest going an unknown direction.

- ♡ -

"Ha..Ha.. Ha..." Mei spared no time, she grabbed whatever she could hold in her hands and made a run for it. The insects didn't chase her, she was free!

It didn't take her long to find her sword. After going through multiple sealed rooms she found the one room that she felt drawn to, and there sat her sword in unharmed condition. She didn't have time to cry. She kissed the hilt and bolted outside.

Hair wild and over her face, she ran and ran, going as far as her body could take her even with the kimono she put on falling off her shoulders.

A few minutes passed, and the trees seemed to continue on, until - I smell people! It was that extra boost of energy that ended her up in a clearing, standing in front of Sango, Miroku, and Shippo bandaging his ankle.

Miroku was the first to notice her, even with a forehead laceration he hustled himself over to her as she frantically tried to catch her breath, body trembling and doused in sweat.

"Sango, come help!"

"What is it - Oh my goodness, Miroku, who is she!"

Mei looked at the two with fear in her eyes, clutching the sword tightly in her hands.

"Please," Mei's throat was dry, and she saw the room begin to spin. She had exerted too much energy and it was far too humid outside.

All she could remember was her head hitting something rather hard and voices in the background shouting in concern to gain her consciousness.

"Miss! Miss!"

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