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Kagome and Mei shared a light conversation, Kagome trying her best to make Mei feel a little comfortable - considering she had a blade to the face. Mei, with apprehension chose the bits of information she wanted to share. But she felt relief that she didn't bring up Naraku even once.,

Although, her mind would go back to his soft expression.

And even more, was he looking for her?

"I don't care, there's a demon closeby and it doesn't matter if Kagome and that woman are bathing," Inuyasha barked at Miroku from a distance as Miroku pleaded for him to stay behind, "I'm going to protect Kago-"

Inuyasha pushed through the thickets of bushes to a - dunked in the water - gasping Kagome and a proudly - stance Mei, her hair slicked back and trailing down her back until the remainder floated in the water behind her. The two glared at each other, Mei's crimson almond eyed narrowing his direction. She stood with one arm lazily covering her torso, the rest of her body exposed in nonchalance.

Kagome restrained herself by bouncing her vision back and forth in the middle of the stare-down. What was going to happen!

Frozen in place, Inuyasha felt the breeze pick up. It was a sweet and thick aroma that increased in its pungency when she got closer. It was like... rice wine covered drenched in honey.

It was her.

Mei grew tired of his gawking. She turned her head with a hn, walking further into the water and disappearing behind a boulder, resting her head on the edge with her eyes closed.

Kagome scoffed at Inuyasha and motioned her hands to shoo away. "You too, Miroku!" he was caught behind the bushes, rustling away as quickly as he had been found.

When Inuyasha and the monk were out of listening range, Mei sighed.

"My, for a woman of your assets you sure put such trust in lecherous men." She sounded like she was talking to herself. But by the rushing in Kagome's bathing, she must have struck a nerve.

"I'm sorry if I upset you." She said in a defensive tone.

"No, its not that," Kagome took a breath, taking her perspective of the situation as delicately as possible, "Inuyasha..." might as well be honest, "Thinks you're a spy of Naraku. And he-"

Her train of thought was cut off by the sounds of someone climbing out of the water.

"I am not a spy. I have better things to do than to spy. I... I have no reason to spy. I lost everything before even meeting this demon." Mei's eyes glossed over at the flash of her smiling father before her eyes. "My father, my kingdom, my mom, why spy?" Longingly, she looked up at the sky. She could feel herself growing jealous of the birds.

"No amount of gold in the world can bring back what was worth the most to me. So, whether you believe me or not," Mei grabbed one of the large white towels Kagome introduced her to, "Is your choice. But you have my word, I am not after your mate."

"He is NOT my mate!" playfully, Kagome splashed Mei's feet with a pinkish hue in her face.

Mei glared down at the girl for a split second, but she could feel the purity coming from her spirit, how could she be so upset?

Instead, she laughed, only a slight chuckle at first that soon turned into a carefree giggle.

They joined in laughter for what felt like a long time.

And, even as he sat at camp with his eyes closed, the same bored expression plastered on his face.

Hearing Kagome laugh eased up the tension building in him.

- ♡ -

Naraku sat in Mei's room, his expression neither furious nor confused.

Merely.. focused.

He looked around the room for anything out of place, and to his surprise, Mei didn't cause much of an uproar in her exit.

He walked over to the vanity that he has watched her brush her hair in person and in his mirror; she didn't take the combs.

He felt..a little saddened.

Kagura, make sure when you go to the nearby village that you pick up two hair combs, one small and another medium sized...

He motioned over to the oils, and even with the bottle half - empty, it was left behind.

Naraku grunted off his disappointment, exiting the room before snooping further.

He walked down the hallway in silence, his jaw tightening in thought. How did she even know it to escape?

He took a few more steps, and he felt a breeze come through a crack in the rooms.


He slid the door open, and it was just as he suspected. The balcony doors were wide open, the wind cascading itself with the curtains.

"Damn, Kagu-!" before he beckoned her, he spotted a notebook that laid on the balcony floor, its spine opening the book directly down the middle.

He walked towards the book, squatting over it suspiciously. He didn't know the ins and outs of his temporary castle, but to have books lying around.. he wouldn't have paid it a clear thought if he had the choice.

But with closer inspection, there was handwriting.

Mei's handwriting - luckily the girl wasn't too bright as to not make the beginning pages about a personal memoir otherwise Naraku would have blown it off as a concubine's diary.

Tucking the journal in his pocket, the same amused smirk pulled his lips upward into a smile.

He tapped his jacket pocket a few times with a smile, almost like he held a juicy secret, and turned on his heel back to his quarters.

Kagura wouldn't dare show her face without Mei, so he had time.

- ♡ -

Entry 1 Day x - Springtime

My name is Mei. I am the daughter of Karamorita Shunsuke - warrior of the Southern Lands. My mother.. My mother's name what I remember is Itsuko. Itsuko... Karamorita. I don't really remember her, she died when I was younger but my father says I look more and more like her every day. I wish I could say whether its true or not.

I am... I don't know if its considered captured, but I'm staying here with Naraku and Kagura.

Naraku.. I don't know what to say about him. All I know is that he watches me, and he smiles at me. Almost like my father. Its like he is saying 'what am I going to do with you' with his eyes, and... I like it. But I wish I had the courage to ask him what on earth his problem is! All he does is sit, look, leave gifts - pretty gifts, and leave for days at a time.

I wish he would talk to me... I would like to know his plan.

I don't feel anger for him anymore because, even though it's an attempt to get my sword, I'm not hungry... I have a roof to sleep... and for the meantime, I have my life.

I can't drive myself crazy waiting to die.

So I try to enjoy it.

Does Naraku enjoy me, I wonder. Not in a perverted sense but... does he enjoy me being here? Another woman in the manor?

Are him and Kagura... intimate? I wonder if me being here causes friction between them since he's seen me naked.

I just... want to know about him.

His darkness doesn't intimidate me.

I kind of have grown fond of it.

I've kind of grown fond of-

the entry ends abruptly.

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