a voice nearby

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"Its embarrassing, don't you think?"

"What is?"

"To be so sloppy with my footing when I came from a long line of warriors."

"How the hell should I know where you came from? Every time there's an attempt to know a smidge about you, you decide to flee the castle like a lost rabbit."

"That was very curt of you to say, Kagura."

"I'm only being honest."


Mei relaxed against the large boulder, her silky hair slicked back down her head, lazily floating in the river. The sun peeked itself from behind a thicket of clouds but the heat radiated regardless.

Kagura opted to sit under an oak, surveying the premises for any enemies. She never too much cared to bathe in front of others considering the scar on her back, but with Mei's flesh-colored marking rising more and more to the surface, she felt less strained to join.

It wasn't an easy contemplation, but with Mei's back to her, she used this as an opportunity to climb in the warmed spring water.

It only took a little splash to alert Mei and pivot Kagura's direction.

"Ah! So you finally decided to join me afterall? I must say I am thoroughly impressed."

Kagura snapped her fan open and shut quickly, hiding the blush riddling her cheeks. "Don't be so crass! Just so easily I climbed in I can climb right out!"

Mei's lips curled into a smile. She had Kagura in the most vulnerable position she's ever seen her in.

"Oh, my my my~ we're blushing aren't we?" Mei waded her body closer to Kagura, pulling her in a hug tight enough for her to release her fan from her grasp.

Mei pushed her breasts against hers, her full lips continuously curling into a smile. "If you weren't a reincarnation of Naraku, I would take your blush as an actual enjoyment of this."

Her hands groped the small of her back, tracing the edges of her shoulder blades until-


Mei released her grasp, took it upon herself to circle around Kagura and stared wide-eyed at the similar etching in her back that was embellished onto Kagura as well.

Kagura didn't move, instead she turned her head to watch Mei's motions. She showed no shame, anger or fear, but instead a hint of disappointment. More so in herself than in Mei.

"Kagura," Mei's face, riddled with anxiety, moved away from Kagura's back and returned to her original spot. Kagura's eyes never left hers but the silence sent shivers up her spine.

"Kagura- i-"

"No need to apologize." she breathed, reaching out to grab her fan before it was lost to the river. She shook it off a few times before tossing it to the edge of the bank.

"Beside.. If you want to think about it, we're closer than ever."

Without announcement, she turned Mei around to study her scar as well. It was fresher, more detailed, with arms wrapping further across her shoulders than hers. This was a different type of marking. This was the mark of a mate. And she knew more than anyone that only death would release this mark from her flesh.


The two of them wandered back through the forest to head back to the castle. Neither of them said much to eachother, but the air between them left a lot to be said.

I feel utterly terrible, thought Mei, She's never going to trust me to this extent ever  again. By the Gods how could I be so stupid. I stepped too forward and I can only blame myself. It was just baby steps and I took the whole leap. How could I just-

"You said you came from a long line of warriors, right?"

Mei jolted out of her thoughts almost instantly. Kagura stopped in her tracks a few steps ahead of her - her fan lazily rested on her cheek. She looked back at Mei inquisitively and with genuine interest. This could be the determining factor for her to prioritize getting her sword back faster.

"Hah.. Y- yes. My father was a well-known demon samurai in the North. And the last thing he gave me was that sword."


Kagura fixed herself to open her mouth in response, only to be distracted by a far yet familiar groan.

"Naraku... Naraku.... Why have you forsaken me, Naraku..."

"What was that?" asked Mei, clutching her towel to her chest in worry.

Kagura took a minute to respond, contemplating if she was being spied on or not. She couldn't risk Naraku finding out that Kagura was about to show Mei one of his abominations. But when the smell and sounds were clear, she knew her decision.

"Kagura? Did you hear me?"

Kagura looked back at Mei and looked forward into the distance. She took a sharp inhale and exhale, pivoting on her heel to walk towards the voice.

"Follow me and you'll see."

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