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3 weeks have passed since Naraku has left the castle. Kagura has been watching Mei but at the same time she has been waiting for Naraku to come home due to Mei's continuous girlish questions.

Mei only grew more anxious of her thoughts, and she decided to take it upon herself to get the answers she needed. She couldn't help but to see Naraku in a few of her dreams, that smile and that glare.. she wanted to get to the bottom of it.

She wanted to see where Naraku's head about her was.

- ♡ -

He still isn't here..

Mei sat on the edge of the balcony to bask in some springtime sun. She finally convinced Kagura to let her step outside of the manor for some sun, she had to fabricate some "homebound mental illness" that only the sun would cure.

Kagura probably just wanted Mei to stop asking her questions, so she went along with Mei's petty requests.

Mei tapped her finger on a small notebook that was bound by string nervously, her eyes focused on the forest in front of her. She found an empty journal a few days after Naraku and her exchanged another incident, and just decided to write her thoughts down as she stayed in the manor - best to make the most of her captivity. The first few pages were that of anger and confusion, but as it went on it softened to her daily chores, dreams, and some poetry. She even mentioned Naraku and the questions she wished to ask him. Reflecting on each bit of her mind and taking note of what she felt in the present and her plans of the future.

She was almost like the brides of those who lost their husbands to battle and waited for them to come home.

Writing... writing her sorrows away.

As the sun gleamed on her translucent skin, she squinted at the sun's peak positioning in the sky. She was already pale, what harm did it make for her to sit out in the sun without an umbrella. Mei surely didn't complain, she even craned her neck different directions to absorb as much heat as possible.

In the meantime, Kagura watched the girl as she too took a spot on the edge of the balcony. Maybe it was due to the dim lighting, but she partially understood why Naraku wanted to keep her around. She seemed almost to perfect, not a hair out of place, and despite the red eye bags that rested under her eyes it was free of any blemish. Hair down to her tailbone that shone a blue-ish tint and her lips - full and rouged naturally. Her body was small, but her curves left an impression enough for those that stared.

Whomever her parents were, they must have been attractive as well.

When Mei opened her eyes Kagura shifted her attention back to the forest, fanning herself in thought.

"Kagura.." here she went. Silently, Kagura took a breath and looked at Mei. But Mei's gaze wasn't one of curiosity, but of peace.

"Its very nice outside, thank you for letting me sit out here today. I know that.. Naraku watches us, more than what I could care for, and I.. I appreciate it."

Kagura was a bit shocked. Was she being serious or sarcastic? She opened her mouth to reply but her attention darted to the miasma dissipating around the castle. Naraku needed help.

"Kid. Its been fun, but I have to go." Kagura snapped her fan open and what appeared to be, summoned a gust of wind in front of Mei as she shielded herself from any flying debris.

She was gone.

"Wha-? Kagura! Wait, what's going on!" Mei dropped her notebook and rushed to the ledge, the barrier was gone. Kagura was gone. She looked up to the sky and saw her floating away with some white - haired girl holding a mirror. "What?" who was the second girl? Was that Naraku's child?

"Kagura!" she cried out for her, but Kagura only glanced back with a look of don't cause any trouble before she disappeared with the breeze.

As the dust settled, Mei looked around. It was still and silent, more eerily than normal. A light bulb struck in her head, nobody was here.

The manor was just a manor.

She could escape.

But not without her sword.

- ♡ -

"Inuyasha! Come ON! We have to go to the next village and we're not going to get anywhere if you and Miroku don't HURRY UP!" A young girl in a green pleated skirt with a white uniform top stood atop a cliff carrying a large bow with a blatant agitated look on her face. Standing next to her, bemused, was a woman dressed in armor with an oversized boomerang strapped behind her, both their hair flowing in the lazy breeze.

"Shut it, will you!" a teenage dog demon leaped to the top of the cliff with a hand on his hip, baring his fangs in equal irritation while a monk and a fox demon heaved themselves up the cliff carrying the young schoolgirl's bags of snacks. "Its not my fault you brought all this crap from the other side! Sometimes Kagome I think you forget that we have to walk and we can't just hop in those shiny carts like back in your time!"

Kagome gasped and grit her teeth back at the hanyou "Cars, Inuyasha, they are called CARS!" the two stared eachother down as they growled in teenage lover bickering.

"That is all fine and dandy," heaved the monk, dropping Kagome's snacks at their feet so he could stretch his back and neck. "But arguing won't get us anywhere." He wiped his brow of sweat with a reassuring smile "How's about we pair up, and practice bearing children to ease the tension?"

"OF COURSE NOT!" snapped both Kagome and Inuyasha, leaving the warrior woman and the fox demon to snicker at the monk's embarrassed expression.

"Sango," Miroku looked over at the woman with the boomerang, a determined glint in his dark eyes "I, Miroku, still extend the offer to you."

There was silence, and all that was heard was a slap loud enough to scare the birds away.

The group moved forward as Miroku regained composure off the ground, rubbing the crown of his head with a groan.

"Don't you think you hit him a little too hard, Sango?" chimed the fox demon as he stuffed his bag with a brand of potato chips out of Kagome's snack bag.

"Nonsense, Shippo. Men are just filthy and deserve to be on the ground with it!" Shippo swallowed hard at her venomous words and just decided to walk next to Kagome and Inuyasha as they distanced themselves in preparation to avoid her next strike.

Kagome stretched her hands over her head with a relaxed sigh "Finally we're moving! We stayed camped for way too long, don't you think?" she asked Inuyasha as she hummed merrily along.

"You got back a day ago. We stayed at camp that long waiting for you to come back. If it were up to me, we would have left." Inuyasha crossed his arms with a bored expression, his ears twitching here and there.

"Don't be so cruel.. I brought snacks this time." Kagome looked over to see Sango and Miroku talking among themselves. She sighed at this brutal love affair that they didn't proclaim. But one could only talk.

"I don't like those thin potatoes. You should have brought the sweet brown sticks."

Kagome sighed. "They're called chocolate. I don't know how many times we have to-" Inuyasha stopped walking. His stern face looked off into the distance, his nose in the air in suspicion.

"Its him."

The team stood in a more offensive stance, everyone looking around in opposite directions.

"Are you sure, how can you be so sure?" Kagome scurried to his side, but he didn't wait. He leaped atop the trees in a blind fury.

"W-wait! Inuyasha wait!"

"Don't worry, Kagome." Sango interjected. "Kilala, come!" a small furry cat creature mewed once next to her heel. The same creature expanded into a larger beast with extended talons as the team hopped on her back and followed Inuyasha as best as they could.

Inuyasha knew the stench, he could tell him from among a crowd of millions. It was the bastard that convinced Kikyo to kill him all those years ago.


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