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Mei, with eyes wide and her heart aflutter, felt her body freeze in place. The air grew rigidly cold and her hearing intensified ten-fold. Were her sensitivities always so precise? Why was it that when Naraku came around her that she felt that her entire physical form was unable to make a simple gesture or was it, simply, she was struck with shock?

Her throat felt hot to the touch and parched by sensation but she had to turn around. She had to face him. Otherwise, she felt he would stand behind her until the heavens danced away with the earth in a blaze.

"You-" she said in a state of confusion. She turned around to face him, her eyes mystified with dew. "how is it that in some ironic timing, you always find a way to come back to me in the precise moment?"

Naraku stood still, his eyes solemn but his gaze never leaving hers. Talking felt extremely painful but she had to let him know he she felt.

"You saw me be strangled by that dog. You watched me be humiliated. I know you have some sort of sorcery under your sash that allows you to pop up to me in the nick of time. For someone with a keen way of showing their affections for someone, you surely are the worst!" his expression never faltered which only made her all the more outraged.

"State your intention, dammit!" she took a step closer to him, clutching her throat in pain. "Is it me that you want or is just my capabilities? Inuyasha told me all that you've done to him, this Kikyo person, and how you'll-" she didn't even notice the tears in her eyes falling down to her feet "You'll use me? Let death be an easier fate than to be used like some disposable object!"

The wind began to pick up, and the only motioning that Naraku wasn't just another illusionary puppet was his hair slowly motioning around his stoned face.

Mei whisked her arm around her, almost like swatting a large fly out of the way. "Speak, dammit! Answer me-!?!" in a flash, Naraku pulled Mei close to his body and pressed his cold lips to hers. Mei felt her body puddle beneath her and only he was holding her up. The heat around her throat ceased to linger and soon transferred to her arm. The marking began to manifest itself again into a more solidified imprint that trailed up her forearm to resting on her shoulder blade but even with the searing pressure that built in her upper extremities, she wouldn't release the kiss.

His tongue begged entry past her teeth and she allowed it, finally closing her eyes and succumbing to what she assumed to be his apologetic romances. When his arm moved up her sleeve to finger the detailed markings on her arm, he smiled to himself. Breaking the kiss, he looked down at her with a longing gaze. "Let us go." Was all he whispered and they were both enveloped in darkness back to the castle where questions would soon be answered in its own intricate way and all that was left behind was a purple mist.

- - -

Shortly after her escape, Inuyasha and the rest of the party split up to locate Mei before Naraku could.

"Mei!" Kagome proceeded ahead of the group on her bike as she looked all directions to try to locate Mei in any way that she possibly could "mei! Please! Inuyasha is sorry!" the flush in her cheeks signaled a worry that a mother may have for her lost child but she continued to frantically look around the vast forest until she eventually gave up. Resting her bike on a nearby boulder she sat on said boulder and just looked down at her feet with her hands planted on her knees, lost in thought.

Inuyasha silently jumped down from the trees, carefully advancing towards kagome as she continued to ponder in silence. "Kagome.. she isn't anywhere in the forest. I've lost her scent a while ago.. why don't we just-"

"is it because you thought she hurt me?" kagome finally asked inuyasha in an abrupt tone. "is that why you ran her off?"

Inuyasha looked at Kagome in a pained expression then looked away. "Kagome.."

"Mei wanted nothing but to be around actual people she could believe in and that she could trust. And because you assumed, headfirst, that she was another clone of Naraku you pushed her away out of fear. How.. how COULD you be so dense Inuyasha?" inuyasha looked back at kagome to see her looking back at him with a somber expression.

"do you even see me? Or do you see Kikyo? Are you really protecting me or are you protecting an ancestor of Kikyo?"


She jumped to her feet "Answer the question!"

Inuyasha's ears lowered and he looked down to the ground, kicking up imaginary dirt over and over again. "I'm protecting you.."

"then what was all of that you said to Mei in the middle of the night! I heard everything you said. Youre just worried about your own feelings and in the end, you hurt more than you help!" she spat. Inuyasha said nothing, what could he say?

Kagome, with a wipe of her eyes, grabbed her bike again to begin walking back to camp. She stopped alongside Inuyasha with her body facing forward "if anything is to happen to Mei, I'm holding you responsible." And with that she continued to walk the opposite direction, leaving inuyasha alone in the small clearing.

- - -

Entry 45

Am I obsessed with him? Do I really see myself relinquishing all inhibitions to take the chance and love a man as vague as Naraku? Am I willing to change perspectives and believe that he does want me and not my sword? Am I really such a fool?

I'll surrender to my naiive nature and accept that, yes, I, am fond of Naraku.

I am.

I am.

I am.

Come home, Naraku. And take me.

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