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Mei felt his presence, looming and dark like the hue of his eyes. She couldn't pinpoint the exact feeling that it gave her but it wasn't one of lilies and sweet cream, it was the exact opposite. Bitter, hard to swallow, the last thing on the menu that one forced their customers to buy at half the price just to not have to resort to giving it to the poor stray animals off the street. Even they wouldn't devalue themselves to consume such filth.

She scoffed at her own description of him, shaking her head at the much thought.

With a small hair comb in her hand, she started at the bottom of her locks, grimacing at just how tangled her ends have been since all she has been doing the entire stay is sleeping when she's not continuously being followed by Kagura.

My Spirits, Mei, you may be a hostage but you're still a woman, for heaven's sake. She couldn't even get the first knot out! But she still felt him there, still analyzing her. She couldn't stomach it much longer but she bit her tongue. She would bite it till it bled, for all she cared.

She reached for the hair scissors and positioned the shears under the matted inch of hair for a proper trim, but it backfired. Out of nerves, a creak of wood made her cut the skin of her finger instead, and it wasn't just a graze of skin, it was bleeding! Ah, shit! She cursed to herself, suckling her finger of the blood for a few moments before continuing with her grooming. She left the scissors alone for now, and only focused on combing out her hair of any dead ends. With her head still down, she focused on her raven locks, slowly moving up to her scalp, when she looked up the increase of size in her eyes said it all.

She only thought it to be a presence, but Naraku was actually there, in his traditional purple kimono, watching her with a stone face that burned right into her flesh. Mei decided to best his game, and just snuffed off his glare with a shrug of her shoulder and an upturn of her lip. Disgusting man, or demon, whatever he is, he stinks.

"Lass." Naraku finally spoke, the potency in his words thick with some kind of unknown intention. But she didn't answer; she just continued to brush her hair despite the growing heat in her cheeks. Naraku took the hint, and sighed. With a subtle tap of his knee, he parted his lips to speak again but settled with retracting his comments for the moment, instead he leaned his back against the mahogany walls, a smug grin on his face. Mei was finished with the opposite side of her head. She tilted her head back so it all fell in one direction and pushed it all to one shoulder for a brush, the silence creeping up her spine and burning the outer perimeter of her ears.

"You should leave your hair that way more often, I am sure a young prince would gracefully whisk you away," Naraku flicked his hand in front of his face to imitate a "shoo" motion, his smile growing in amusement to his own form of entertainment "If you didn't look like such a warrior and more like the princess you could appear to be." Mei grit her teeth and slammed the brush down on the wooden vanity table in front of her, the blood from her cut fingers smearing its dark brown exterior with a bright dot of red.

"And what, pray tell, is that supposed to mean." Her back was still to him, but if looks could shatter the atmosphere, best believe the castle would split in half.

"Nothing, if you take it as nothing. But if you want it to be something, it has the potential to be something." Again with the riddles?!

Mei simply sucked her teeth and gathered a towel for the baths, calmly sucking her finger free of blood once again. She continued her focus forward, even as Naraku's burning eyes followed her every step and every motion. She simply just wanted to bathe and wash her hair with what little energy she had after being asleep for days.

"Lass." Mei didn't respond, instead she quickened her pace to the door, she was almost there. "Lass." His voice remained hard, but it only made her walk faster. She reached for the door, readily letting Naraku know he wasn't to enter to respect her privacy, but instead there was a slight gust of wind behind her and a firm grasp of her opposing wrist, causing her to drop her towel and hair brush.

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