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this is going to be just a filler before Naraku and Mei actually physically meet.



After Mei's awakening, she has noticed that Kagura has been closer to her than her initial encounter in the hot springs. She found it to be odd, but she didn't have the strength to question whether or not Kagura had secondary intentions with her or not.

Truth be told, it didn't really feel like Kagura was in her immediate space to begin with. She would just guide her around the castle, sit in a corner and shut her eyes until Mei was finished with her tasks. She never really held conversation as opposed to instructions.

Mei couldn't really tell how many days it had been, for her location in the castle bore no windows, just tatami mats and silk screen doors that just seemed to loom from hallway to hallway with no clear exit or entrance.

Was this really a castle? Or just an illusionary limbo that would warp itself according to the space and time allotted. Was she dead? And who was Naraku?


Mei sat quietly at her dinner table with the everyday meal of rice and cabbage, today wasn't the day for fish so it was just a bowl of rice and a larger bowl of cabbage with what tasted like barley tea.

She really would have preferred the rabbit at this point, it was beginning to feel like she was losing weight and that surely wasn't at the top of her priority list!

Mei quietly stirred her cabbage around and around, a somber expression on her face even as she was adorned in an exquisitely hemmed kimono that had a crimson base with golden stitching of cherry blossoms extending along the sleeve, a melancholic beauty of sorts. She was missing the outside, the fresh air, the independence, the idea of knowing where she was and how she was going to get there. Now, she is constantly followed and the looming sense of uncertainty built a knot in her stomach and throat that ached her so.

Her headaches were still around, and even if she laid on her futon in the darkness with Kagura still seated in the corner, she just laid there until she eventually fell asleep; and assuming she didn't know the time of day, one could only assume that it had to be in the wee hours of the morning for the dark circles under her eyes began to deepen each passing day.

Mei stopped stirring her food and abruptly slammed her chopsticks on one edge of the bowl, sending the cabbage and its bowl falling to the ground with a crack of the edge. Kagura's eyes were open but she didn't intervene just yet, best to note the beast's moves before throwing the net.

"I can't take this. I have been cooped up in this castle for days and I have yet to see this Naraku you speak of. I'm starting to believe he doesn't even exist and I am just in purgatory for the rest of my days. At the very least," Mei hastily stood to her feet, almost falling from the weight of her kimono, and stomped towards Kagura with a determined look "I want my sword and my pendant. I don't care about dying; just let me die with dignity." Mei stood over Kagura, their eyes meeting each other's but Kagura's expression was oddly calm; so much, that it scared Mei.

Mei backed away, her breath hitching anxiously with each retreating step. "Dammit, Kagura!" she clamored, her voice breaking at the ends. "Why don't you say anything? You've been just following me around from the time I wake up to the time I fall asleep and you say nothing, I deserve some answers!"

Kagura said nothing, but stood to her feet with a snap of her fan. If Mei would have blinked, she wouldn't have noticed just how quickly Kagura moved towards her and grabbed her hand as she stumblingly followed behind her.

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