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Entry 15

I can't believe that I actually am confessing this... maybe it is my sheer ignorance or that I have grown delusional, but I took a glance at Naraku today when he was asleep during his monitoring shift and... He isn't that bad looking. His scowl was still present even with his eyes closed but... i still remember the moment he hovered over me in the springs and when I was walking away from him. I felt his warmth radiate around me. I was terrified but something... sparked... inside of me. I enjoyed watching him. I believe he harbors a lot of pain and frustration inside of him and me... I want to listen to it. I want to sit there and listen and share my food with him, possibly even cook. I feel drawn to him and I want to know him more. I think...

I think my disdain for him is fading, and I've grown fond of his face...


It's him.

I need to tell him.

But I'm scared.

Mei felt her way through the thickets of trees, her vision obscured by the mist of her own tears. She didn't fully understand why she was crying. Was it frustration? Humiliation? Melancholy? She couldn't place her hand on it but there was an overwhelming sadness overcoming her to the point she wanted to be nowhere but with her father.

He knew what to say at a time like this, he knew just how to bring her back to earth with a few kind words.

"Papa..." she groaned between her lips. Resting on a tree, she wiped her face 2 or 3 times before dropping down onto the floor and clutching her knees to her chest. Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest and even on a full stomach she felt starved. Her long hair scattered across her face while she sat in silence to calm her nerves by the sounds of the birds nestling in the trees for the night.

She could hear the two arguing in the far distance. It was more of Kagome lashing out at Inuyasha and a pleading Inuyasha asking her to come back to the camp to rest. Inuyasha must have had his way in the argument because she could have sworn Kagome was giving session two of her tongue lashing then it fell dead silent for a few minutes until their presence fell off the radar.

That must be what a quarrel between lovers is like.

When she felt herself calm down from the sudden anxiety, she leaned her head back on the large oak and gazed up at the sky. She counted the stars one by one, drawing images in a connection of lines that made shapes of dogs or flowers or an eye. She felt at ease but the emptiness continued to build in her chest as the silence crept back up on her.

With a bite of her lip, she wrote in the sky with her hand the symbols for Naraku kept her hand open into the air for what felt like minutes before she retracted it again and looked at her palm as if the answer to her worries were etched on her skin. She realized it to be a futile effort and she dropped her hand back to her side,

She was free, but she missed that feeling of protection that Naraku gave her.

What did she have out in this world? At the very least, she had food and shelter. Out here...

"I have no one." she admitted to herself in her one on one conversation. "I have no one..." she could taste the salt trickle on her lips once more at this realization.

"Naraku... where are you?" she called out in a whisper with her eyes closed. She could feel her heartbeat quicken again but her own personal turmoil caused her senses to dull at the sudden presence around her.

"Mei." that voice! It made her eyes shoot open and dance in the darkness in both fear and surprise.

"Mei." the voice sounded closer than before - so much that it made Mei stand to her feet in a scramble! Her voice suddenly parched and her heartbeat quickening, she could only grope around the darkness until she landed her hand on a cold chest.

"nara-!" her mouth was covered by his equally icy hand that gradually grew warmer as it came in contact with her flesh. On instinct, she gripped his wrist and moved his hand. "Naraku- i- how did you find me?" she was confused and relieved, but by the tone in her voice she sounded more fearful than anything.

Naraku chuckled and merely stepped forward, gently gripping the nape of Mei's neck to keep her in that position. Mei's skin grew far more sensitive than she would have liked, she could feel his exact movements brush against her flesh and it made the hairs on her neck stand up.

"You summoned me, didn't you?" he spoke in a matter of fact kind of way that would have made Mei scoff in a normal setting. But this was far from it. "Are you having fun with Inuyasha and company?" he smelled them on her, and it made him scowl in the darkness.

"I... i don't know." Mei admitted, her skin prickling at the subtle rubs of his thumb along her hairline "but am i not going to be punished? I left your castle Naraku."

"Why would i kill you when you aren't mine to begin with? I'm not in the business of killing normal civilians. And besides, you don't even have your weapon." he stated, pulling her in bit by bit.

"So, what you're saying is right now I'm just a woman to you? I have no use to you and you're here because you want to be?"

"In too many words, lass, yes. But, the question is: would you want to come back? If you wish to accompany me back to the castle then i do have a few rules you do have to follow... and running off..." she could feel the corners of his lips crease into a frown "it ultimately burdens everyone, especially me. But... if you wish to go outside of the castle then we can negotiate something where everyone is happy."

Mei felt their conversation turn into a business meeting, but her feet didn't resist when he pulled her in closer. "Well," she thought out loud "what about my sword? That is a precious thing and i would hate for it to go missing or damaged."

Naraku pulled her in more, his low voice chuckling in amusement. "Your sword will be in good hands as your father entrusted it to you all those years ago."

Her father? She never mentioned her father having the sword before her. How did he-

"How did you-?" her heart rate quickened at this obscure a-ha moment that Naraku planted in her head. She could feel him smiling in the dark.

"Lass," he pulled her in completely this time, she could feel his heartbeat next to her ear as his hand snaked around her waist. "if there are other things you wish to convey to me instead of being so angry with me all the time, it is appreciated if i could hear it from you instead of read it in a journal." his warm breath tickled the edge of her ears as her eyes widened in shock.

Her journal! How did he find it?!

"Mei..." his tone lowered into a more serious pitch while he held her waist "shall we go over a few entries back at the castle?"

"h-huh?" she remembered her entries vividly, and- her dreams! "Naraku, wait, let me-"

"Mei! Meeei!" it was Kagome, she was looking for her. And by the smell of it she had company.

"oh- Kagome-" Mei looked into the distance of the forest that shined a dim light "Naraku, we-" and it was though his entire presence vanished with the wind, only leaving the pendant she purchased behind in her hand.

- ♥ -

Entry 25

I can't say that i love Naraku, nor do i really find myself infatuated with him. But i think i have grown to see past his mysterious undertone and it has made me think of him as the tough child who needs extra love.

And... On top of other things the dreams imp having are starting to grow more and more vivid, to the point i am waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat.

I wonder...

Is he really as endowed as my dreams make him to be?

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