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'Kagura, are you okay?'

Mommy! Mommy where are you! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy I can't find you! Why is everything on fire! Someone help! Somebody help!

"Kagura!" Mei grabbed Kagura's shoulders and shook her out of her trance. Blinking out of her stupor, she didn't even realize she was scratching her cheek so many times in the same spot that she began to bleed.

"Kagura, your finger.." she held her finger in her hands as she raised it to her eyesight. Her blood streamed all the way down to her wrists and even stained her forearm.

"What's going on with you? You haven't been the same since we got back. If it's because of what happened, you can't blame yourself. We didn't know all of that can happen and I am not mad at anyone here. Can you please believe me?"

Kagura blinked a few more moments, looking into Mei's ruby eyes with a slight sadness. How could she continue this act? How can she betray her trust when she was the reason for all of her suffering? Naraku could so easily pretend that things didn't happen this way but it was growing rather difficult for her.

"Kagura?" Mei's eyes glossed over. She didn't know what else to do or what to say. The situation kept her up at night as it was. It didn't help to have Kagura be in a daze herself over what happened.

"I'm so sorry that you went through those moments yourself. I can only imagine how painful it must have been for you too." Kagura looked down in response. "But, we have eachother. We have Naraku. We have Kanna. We have our home. Hide is paying his retribution and for that we must- move- forward." Would you be able to say that if you discovered the truth, kid?

"Kagura, do you hear me? We must move forward." There was no fighting her, otherwise she was just going to burst out into tears.

"Alright." Kagura scoffed, trying to shake her hand free of Mei's grasp. "Alright, you've made your point." Mei was relieved. She didn't have to have Kagura jumping for joy to feel relief.

"Good." Mei sighed. "First thing, let's get you patched up." Kagura sighed at the gesture but Mei continued gathering her supplies, in visible better spirits. She watched Mei gather ointments and bandages with zest, a look of determination on her face. When she returned back to sit in front of Kagura, she reached out to her face with focus, her tongue sticking out as she concentrated on mending to her wound.

Kagura closed her eyes in thought. The stinging sensations from the cleaning ointment came and went, but the thoughts that lingered continued to cycle back and forth in her mind. Yes, things can continue forward. But for how many more moments can things just seemingly pretend to go on as if nothing happened. Not to mention what Sesshomaru said to her.

She is to die within the 4th full moon if nobody intervenes. But how is someone to intervene? And what are they supposed to be intervening? So many questions littered her brain.. but one thing was for certain, she continued to see Kenji's face as he frantically rallied the villagers together to flee the castle. She saw it before her eyes so vividly, like one was still there..

𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯  犬夜叉 ♡  ; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now