mercy kill

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Mei and Kagura ventured back towards the direction of the castle, neither of them starting or bothering to engage in a conversation amongst each other. They both exchanged glances at each other without the other knowing, but neither could come up with the words to really say to each other. It was a mutually awkward air between the both of them but, as far as Mei was concerned, she knew this couldn't go on for very long if she were to be the lady of this castle.

Mei looked up, searching for the words to say. When nothing would come to fruition front of her, she cleared her throat softly.

"Kagura," she started, tapping her bottom lip with her index finger. Kagura said nothing but look her direction, her eyes slightly widened in surprise.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For making me feel comfortable here and well... being so helpful. I know this may seem out of bounds but I would like for us to spend more time together. You know, girl stuff."

Mei looked over to read Kagura's expression, her heart beating harder in her ears. She knew this would be a long shot, but she knew that it would help ease the tension between the two of them and not make Kagura feel like she was an obligatory servant to her.

Kagura was silent for a moment, their strides never faltering. She closed her eyes, arms folded in her kimono, and sighed.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind. Girl stuff, eh? Well, we're just gonna have to see what "girl stuff" means to the both of us." She teased, a smile curving in the corners of her lips.

"Ah!" Mei gasped excitedly, clutching her towel close to her chest. "Well, first thing then, can we venture into the village tomorrow and get some new clothes? I'm kind of tired wearing these heavy kimono all day."

Kagura shrugged, whipping out her fan to tap her chin. She thought this would play out well for the both of them, especially considering there was still a shard loose around the forest that she had to retrieve.

"Tell you what," she replied, "If you ask Naraku and he's game for it, we can go wherever you want.

Mei took a deep sigh and frowned, feeling the defeat wash through her already.

"But doesn't that defeat the purpose of us accompanying each other outside of you shadowing me?"

"Rules are rules, princess. You can't go anywhere without a chaperone. Whether it be me, Naraku or even Kanna. You are not going anywhere alone."

"Well, I'd rather much you accompany me," Mei raised her nose in the air, smiling at her own words, "Kanna isn't much of a talker."

Kagura let out a small chuckle that soon exploded into laughter. She covered her face with her fan as Mei joined in, covering her mouth with her hand as well.

"Also, before we go anywhere," Kagura used her fan to raise Mei's hair from her tailbone to mid-air. She sucked her teeth in a playful yet scolding manner.

"We need to cut your hair. The ends are deplorable."

"No, they aren't." Mei pulled her hair from the fan and rested it on her shoulder, stroking it self consciously. "I just haven't had time to comb it properly."

"Well, we'll make time tomorrow. I'm not going to cut you bald, princess. I'm just going to make it even."

"Hmph. Fine. Ah!" the two stopped in their tracks at the front of the castle. She looked up at brightly lit castle, its presence looming and eerie. There were no workers, no gardeners, no cooks, no maids, and yet everything was pristine and perfect. Almost frozen in time.

Her lips pursed into a straight line, and she clutched her towel closer to her chest. With a hard swallow, she looked up again at the castle, this time her tone slightly sadder than it was a few moments ago.

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