When is enough...enough?

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When Is Enough...Enough

Taylour sat in a state of shock from her car spinning, thankfully she didn't hit anything. Her heart was pounding in her chest while her stomach was in knots. Staring in a daze the only face she could see when her car spun out of control was Sean. His smile took up her vision and his voice filled her ears. Moments later there was a knock on the window that took her time to acknowledge. Grabbing her attention, she saw a man standing in the rain with the light from his phone shining through the window. Taylour rolled down the window.

"Ma'am are you okay?" She didn't respond to the middle-aged gentlemen. "Ma'am do you want me to call an ambulance?" I saw your car spinning, do you need anything?" Taylour tried to force words out of her mouth in a low whisper.

"No...no I'm okay I just need to get home. I just want to go home. I have to get to my husband," she said in a panic.

"Alright try and stay calm if you want I can call him for you. I don't think you should drive."

"No, I'll be okay." Taylour wiped tears from her cheek. She looked in the rearview mirror at the cars stopped along the highway honking at her.

"Would you like me to follow you just to make sure you get there safely?"

"No, no thank you. I'll be fine thank you for checking on me." The man was extremely concerned considering he saw everything from a distance.

"Alright well please be careful and here's my card, call me if you need anything. My name is Todd and my brother-in-law has a tow truck. Wherever you are, we can help. Okay?"

"Yes, thank you." Taylour nodded. The horns became more frequent from impatient drivers. "I better get going thank you."

"Okay be safe. God bless you."

"You too." Taylour changed gears and went back to drive before pulling off. Wasn't long before she pulled up to her house. The rain continued to pour as she made her way inside. She came down the hallway, she saw two large suitcases sitting by the staircase near the kitchen. She stopped walking feeling her heart stop. Was Sean planning on leaving her? Was he really through with her?

"SEANNNN!" She called out not paying attention to how late in the night it was. As she opened her mouth to call out to him again, she stopped when she saw him sitting in the family room leaning forward with his head bowed as if he were in deep thought. "Sean?" She whispered. Coming around the couch, she sat next to him but he said nothing he just played with his keys. Taylour swallowed the lump in her throat and used this time to speak and not be interrupted.

"Sean we need to talk..."

"Where were you?" He asked still not looking at her.

"I...I was..." Sean interjected.

"Do me a favor before you answer think long and hard about the truth because I can't take any more lies. One more lie and I swear I'm going to lose my mind. So, where were you Taylour?" Taylour took a deep breath, placing her hand on his forearm before she spoke.

"I drove around then I went to see him." Sean looked at her.


"Detrick." Sean pulled his arm from her and threw his keys across the room causing her to jump. He said nothing and just placed his head in his palms resting his elbows on his thighs. The only sound throughout the room was thick silence. It was so loud and overbearing for fear of words that may come from the tension in the room.

"Sean say something please." He still said nothing. "Sean I went to talk to him and tell him that the text messages weren't from me."

"So instead of coming to me your husband you went to see the nigga you cheated on me with." Sean was so calm.

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