Just Breathe

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    Just Breathe

Taylour awoke the next morning more tired than when she initially went to sleep. She made a point to be up before anyone else in the house. Today was her first Lamaze class and she was excited. Taylour showered and dressed in a hot pink tank top with a black hoodie, black yoga pants, and pink studded converse. She brushed her hair in a high ponytail that allowed her curls to sway across the nape of her neck.

Placing stud diamonds in each ear, she stiffened at the sound of movement downstairs. She only hoped Sean wasn't awake. After all that he had said the night before she didn't want to see or hear from him at the moment. Which is partially why she neglected to tell him about the class. Taylour signed up for Lamaze before he moved back home.

Grabbing her gym bag, she proceeded to the stairs treading lightly down each step. She looked towards the couch and saw the covers over Sean's body except for his feet. He and Jay slept the exact same way; with their whole body covered except their feet until they reached a deep sleep. That means he must have gotten up at some point so she would need to be extra quiet. Going out the door, she twisted the handle and eased the door closed.

It was 7:15 am and her class didn't start until 8:30 am. She began to think of what she could do to kill time and then her stomach growled and the baby made the decision for her. Breakfast. Taylour turned into the nearest diner. Walter's had the best grits she had ever tasted. She walked in and was greeted by the waitress Lilly, who also attended her church. Taylour sat in a near-by booth and Lilly brought over the menu.

"Hey Sister Taylour how are you doing?" she said leaning over to hug Taylour.

"I'm great honey how are you doing?"

"I'm blessed. You know I can't complain."

"Same here love, same here," Taylour said

"Sister Taylour you know we miss you in the choir girl. When are you coming back?"

"I'd love to come back to the choir but I'm handling some things that are taking up my time. I wouldn't be able to make it to practice and we both know how Sister Bernice is about punctuality so I just excused myself. "

"Honey, Bernice isn't over the choir anymore."

"Really?" Taylour asked with widened eyes.

"Girl yes, Sister Bernice and the first lady got into it and chile Bernice snatched off First Lady Williams lace front!"

"What!!!" She gasped.

"Chile, yes because you remember how Sister Bernice would get if someone was late?" Taylour nodded. "Well, one-day Shaniqua came late and Bernice went in on her about being late and how she had no respect for God's house or the ministry. Bernice went on and on about how everybody should be ashamed of the type of Christians they were that they could make it to work on time but when it comes to doing things for the Lord they become lazy. So Shaniqua broke down crying because little did Sister Bernice know she had just come from the hospital with her grandma. Shaniqua didn't even want to be there in the first place but her nana told her to come praise the Lord despite her situation. Anyway, Sister Bernice went off and First Lady walked in and heard everything. She pulled her aside and confronted Bernice and they ended up going back and forth. Bernice told her to stay in her lane and leave the choir alone. Long story short First Lady Williams walked away from Bernice yelling and Bernice snatched her lace front off."

"Get out hahaha," Taylour laughed

"Honey, we didn't know whether to laugh or hold Bernice back. Poor first Lady, she ain't got no edges the way Bernice snatched that wig off. Ooh Lord, forgive me I'm just calling it like it is. I'm sorry but it's the truth."

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