" Last and Final Good Deed"

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It was a day before the banquet and Taylour still hadn't confirmed whether she was going to go with Sean. She had so much work to catch up on since she was distracted by Detrick's daily calls. He was a welcomed distraction, but a distraction nonetheless. Which meant she may have to devout her Saturday to work and putting finishings on grant proposals. Hopefully, Sean would buy that excuse. Knowing him it would be out of the question. If she didn't fulfill her commitment she could lose everything and he should be understanding. Sitting at her desk, she had the blinds wide open since it was such a beautiful day outside. Placing files in the cabinet, she answered her headset once her phone rung.


"Hello." Instantly she brightly smiled at the sound of the caller's voice.

"How are you?"

"I'm great a bit sleepy but I'm great. I haven't been getting much sleep LATELY." He chuckled.

"Tell me about it. I've barely gotten any work done. So what are we going to do about this dilemma caused by our daily conversations?"

"Catch up on sleep and work on Saturdays," he said. They both laughed. "Taylour?"

"Yes, Detrick."

"I...I miss you." She went quiet at his words unsure how or if to respond. "Taylour? Hello, are you there?" Clearing her throat, she responded.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm here. Detrick you know I've really enjoyed talking to you these past few weeks. I mean it's been wonderful—"

"But?" He interrupted awaiting her rejection yet again.

"...but I think we have to set some boundaries. You and I can't continue as friends if it's going to get too deep."

"I can't express that I miss my friend?"

"Yes but I just want to be clear on where we stand that's all. I remember the look on your face that night at your apartment and I don't want to ever see that again. You've become a great friend and I don't want to jeopardize what we've built."

"I might be missing in action for a little while," he said casually changing the subject.

"Detrick, are you going to even acknowledge what I just said?"

"I heard you and there's nothing left for me to say about it. I know what you're saying and maybe I'm crazy for thinking we can be friends but I can't help how I feel. Taylour I think you're incredible but I respect everything you're saying so don't think I'm disregarding your boundaries. I've accepted that there can be nothing but a beautiful friendship between us."

"Well as long as you know that then I'm fine. So why are you going to be missing?"

"We're flying to Scotland to see a small town that is finding the company's electronics resourceful."

"Oh well thank you for telling me ahead of time."

"Don't worry I'll call you as soon as I get back to Beijing."

"Okay well promise me that you'll have fun. I can hear you missing home in your voice."

"It's you that I MISS!" He thought to himself but neglected to say. "Yeah I am. I'll be fine just another 2 months and hopefully, I'll be back. At the rate things are going, it might be sooner."

"Well, that's awesome. Detrick, I have to cut this call short. I have so much work to do it's not even funny."

"Alright, I guess I should go and get some rest myself. I'll talk to you when I make it back from Scotland."

"Okay. Oh and Detrick?"


"I miss you too." He smiled big in the darkness of his room.

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