Chapter 75

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"No!" I choke out, jolting upright. I hear Yoongi sigh from beside me as he wakes up to this, rolling over to look at me worriedly. I can't blame him though, I've not been getting any better since I came back even though I should be now that Appa is gone.

"Baby, come here." Yoongi murmurs softly, reaching out for me gently. I just shake my head though, taking a deep breath in the process. Yoongi frowns at this, understandably befuddled by my refusal as I climb out of bed. I've got one of my brothers tee shirts dawning my body, long enough to cover the hip tattoo but not at all enough in any way to comfort me from the loss of having Tae at my side every night.

"Sunni, baby, what're you doing?" Yoongi questions tiredly, sitting upright in bed as he watches me. Heading over to our shared closet, I shakily begin sifting through the clothes.

"I just need to go out for a bit. Get some fresh air." I mumble, trying to focus on the task ahead of me. I soon huff though, giving up on finding something there as I go over to our shared dresser next. However, I quickly whine, recalling my place once more.

"Baby, I don't think that's a good idea. I think you just need some sleep." Yoongi says worriedly, sounding much more awake this time. I roll my eyes at this though, knowing that he wouldn't understand.

Disregarding his comments altogether, I go back to the closet and pull out a pair of dark washed jeans and one of Yoongi's hoodies. I hear him sigh as I leave the bedroom, going to the bathroom across the hall to get dressed before heading downstairs.

"You know you really shouldn't be going to see him."

I'm startled by Yoongi's sudden appearance in our living room, having to take another deep breath so as not to freak out. You would think he'd know better than to just do shit like that and scare me by now, especially after learning everything I've been through throughout the debriefing process.

"Yoongi, please." I whimper softly, not wanting to have to fight him on this. I will go see him regardless of whether he's okay with it or not.

"Come on. The car is already unlocked." Yoongi says with another sigh. I give him a small smile in the dimly lit room, leading us out of the apartment.

"You know he's become like a drug for you. An addiction and a crutch that's not good for you. He's a criminal in so many ways, Sunmi, and you're damn lucky to even be alive with having been there with him. At some point you've got to break the habit though. You've got to learn to kick it eventually. Stop seeing him, stop thinking about him. Stop thinking about all of it. It's part of why I ended the debriefing even though they wanted to continue pushing you for more information. You have to put an end to it at some point. You're never going to heal otherwise." Yoongi says softly as he drives us to the prison where they're holding Tae. I roll my eyes at my brother though, looking out the window to my side instead.

"Yeah? And what if I don't want to heal? What if I don't want to heal the way you want me to? What if I like how I had it when I was with him? You say relying on him is like a drug, but isn't that what I've been doing with you for so many years now? Relying on you to get me through the nightmares that would wake me every night? Relying on you and Jimin to pull me from workouts at the department? He helped me break those habits, he's the reason I quit having nightmares, the reason I don't spend every waking second at a gym nowadays. The only reason I have nightmares anymore is because he's not there and they're nightmares of losing him. So accept it or not, I'm not gonna stop seeing him. Because if you're gonna say that he's like a drug to me, you became one for me a long time ago too." I snap, not looking back at him.

He falls silent at this, and I'm honestly not overly surprised. He knows I love him beings he's my brother, but it's times like this when it's clear he's either overstepped or pushed too far. The rest of the drive ends up being completely silent and he doesn't even say anything when I'm finally getting out of the car. Doesn't even look in my direction. I know it's only because he's trying to wrap his head around what I'd said earlier, my words still probably stinging a bit, but I also know he'll be over it by the time I'm climbing back in the car and ready to sleep.

Taking a deep breath, I enter the prison center and run through what's nearly become the usual procedures. I'm in nearly once a week, though Yoongi certainly doesn't know that. It's a little odd going through everything when nobody else is here, but it doesn't change the fact that they let me through with ease, and I'm soon waiting in a nearly empty room for them to wake Tae and bring him out. I feel terrible, it's certainly not the first time that I've woken him, but again, it's not like Yoongi knows every time I've been here.

Despite the room being divided in half by the thick glass divider, I don't miss it when the door on his side opens up to reveal someone bringing him in. The man nearly tosses him to the seat in front of me before moving to stand guard by the door he'd been brought out by. Though hardly any of that matters once Tae's eyes lock with mine, a smile quickly spreading across his face.

With a deep sigh, we both pick up the phone on our ends, but he quickly ends up putting one hand up against the glass, splaying it out for me. I whimper softly at his actions, mimicking them without hesitation.

"Baby, you really don't have to worry so much about me. You need to be getting your rest, baby." Tae murmurs softly down the line. It's enough to have tears falling down my cheeks already, wishing so desperately to just be held in his arms once more.

"I miss you. It's a lot harder to sleep without you there." I whisper through the tears. He tears up at this as well, smiling as he shakes his head.

"It's only gonna be a few years, baby. Okay? Just a few years and then I'll be out here." Tae tells me lightly. My eyes widen at this, having forgotten his hearing had been within the last week.

"What? But... how?" I question, smiling helplessly through the tears. He chuckles at this, reluctantly taking his hand away from the glass.

"They said if I cooperated and helped through everything it would bring my sentence down. And considering just about everything except for the simpleton crimes were all encrypted, they can't charge me for a whole lot. Namjoon too." He explains softly. It only makes me cry harder though, wanting to hug and hold him so badly.

"So what's the time then?" I question quietly, afraid of the answer. He grins though, giving me a small wink.

"Three years, baby. Just three years and I'm all yours again. Okay? Nothing to worry about and it won't be long before I'm out of here. I just need you to do me the favor of finding us a good place to move into when I'm finally freed, baby. And you can design it however you want. Just make sure of one thing, okay?"

I tilt my head to the side curiously at this.


He grins more than he had before, happiness despite being locked up flooding his eyes.

"Make sure there's enough room for us to be having little ones running around soon. Okay? I still mean it when I said I plan on keeping you mine forever and wanting to have a family with you one day."

I whimper softly, hand coming up to cover my mouth as I cry even more.

"And, baby?" He adds softly, making me look up at him once more.

"I think you should be able to have access to what I'd had on me when they took us. If you look through my clothes, there's a special box that had been in my pants pocket. A ring for you only. I just need you to tell me that you'll still marry me after all of this."



Aaaaaannd that's the ending finally!!! I know it was a super long story but thank you to those who stuck through with it!! I hope you all enjoyed!!

I love you all and hope to see you in more stories soon!

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