Chapter 3

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"No, Jimin! Hit harder! You can't play around out there!" I shout, trying hard to hold myself back from jumping into the fight myself. Tangling my hands into raven black hair, it's everything I can do to keep myself from completely coming unglued. It's something like this that annoys me about my short hair, having half my hair shaved down short and leaving the rest of it just long enough to frame my face on one side. It's hardly enough to tangle both hands into, but I love it when I'm not in a stressed out situation like this.

"Damn it, Jimin, come on! He's not gonna stop still you drop for good! It's him or you and you gotta fucking make it you!" I scream at the blonde haired boy stood in the center of the crowd with a man a bit taller than him and clearly more built.

However, I have enough of it when the guy takes a low blow on Jimin.

Stepping in, I swing a fast punch to the assholes face, knocking him backwards. I don't stop there though, my anger pumping through my veins as I continue stalking closer to him as I step over Jimin who's still on the ground. Picking the bigger man up by his shirt collar, I throw him backwards, causing him to quickly stumble.

"Fucking dickhead. You don't fucking win off a goddamn low blow like that shit. You don't fucking win by playing fucking dirty." I growl as I swing my leg up to kick him in the stomach. He doubles over in pain but doesn't have the time to recover as I send my knee upwards to make contact with his nose.

"You want a goddamn fucking low blow, bitch?" I snap, kicking him square in the crotch, dropping him completely.

"You better get the fuck outta here before I snap your fucking neck. Fucking go!" I threaten darkly. Within seconds, he's working to crawl away from me and through the crowd that's grown deadly silent.

"Winning by default, Park Jimin!" The announcer calls out as he steps inside the crowd as well. I simply roll my eyes as I turn back to Jimin, who's weakly working to sit himself up. I manage to catch a glimpse of two of the Kims near the back of the crowd, but I ignore them as I walk over to Jimin and hoist him up.

He yelps out in pain quietly, squeezing my shoulder tightly as I hook an arm around him just underneath his arms. He wraps his arm closest to me around my shoulders, limping as I help him out of the crowd and over to one of the walls. Kneeling down beside him, I do a quick scan of his face and look him over for any serious damage.

"Alright. Think you can manage on your own for a couple minutes? I'm gonna go call Jungkook. I don't want you staying alone tonight. You need someone keeping an eye on you and helping you around." I tell him quietly. Jimin just nods his head, leaning it back against the wall behind him.

"You're gonna manage, Park." I comment with a small smile, ruffling his hair before standing up and walking away from him. Walking over towards the road but still staying a short distance inside the alleyway, I pull my phone out and dial Jungkook's number.

"Hello? Sunmi? How'd it go? Shouldn't you be calling Yoongi?" Jungkook answers almost instantly.

"Cool it, Chocolate Chip. Nothing's happened with the operation yet. They haven't come anywhere near him. I'm only calling you because I don't want Jimin staying alone tonight. He took a few nasty hits and he's hurting pretty hard." I explain calmly. I hear him grumble under his breath over my use of his nickname that he so hates, but I don't really care.

"Okay. Yeah, he can come stay here. How bad is he? I thought you were training him?" Jungkook asks curiously. I roll my eyes at the backhanded accusation.

"Fuck you. I did train him. There's not a damn thing I can do when he's getting put up against a dick who wants to fight dirty though." I growl frustratedly.

Though, before I can do or say anything else, I feel a tiny pinch in the back corner of my neck. Dropping my phone instantly, I whirl around and push the guy away from me without a thought.

"Fuck off." I snap coldly as I shove him, not really catching a good glimpse of him. However, panic takes over as I feel the dizziness and tiredness set in, realizing what's going on.

"No!" I whimper in panic of what'll happen when I wake, not being able to say, see, or think another thing before darkness engulfs me.

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