Chapter 65

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Taehyung POV

Waking up to a crashing sound and gunshots, I find myself quickly sitting upright and wrapping my arms around Sunmi. Glancing down at her, I can see her beautiful blue eyes wide as they stare at the door. It then occurs to me that neither of us are dressed yet, hurrying out of bed and pulling my jeans on along with my tee shirt.

"Stay here and don't fucking move. Yell if it's anyone but me or my brothers coming in here." I instruct as I glance over at her. I can see painful tears forming in her eyes, her gaze locked on my figure despite the room still being fairly dark. Biting my lip, I rush to her closet and grab her an oversized tee shirt so that she doesn't have to be completely bare. Walking over to the bed, I hand her the item before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"Stay safe and stay quiet, baby. I'll be back for you when this is finished." I murmur seriously, leaning down and pecking her lips before turning and walking away once more.

I leave her sitting upright in bed, slinking out of her room and closing the door behind me. I can see Namjoon hyung stood outside of his door as well, gun in his hand. I don't hesitate in reaching up above Sunmi's door, pulling a little lock and unlatching the tiny safe I've got built into the wall. Quickly grabbing my own gun from it, we hear another yelp from Jin hyung's room.

Without hesitation, we both rush to his door and kick it open, just as another round of bullets are fired. Though, when the door bursts open, instead of my attention falling on the man who's dropping his gun and bolting for the window, my gaze falls to my oldest brother who's bloodied body is lying lifelessly on his bed. I hardly even recognize the feeling of Sunmi pushing past Namjoon and myself, grabbing the gun from my hand as she rushes into the room. I don't even feel like I'm in my own body as I reach out in worry towards her, not wanting to lose her too. However, she yanks her arm out of my grasp, making me run after her across the room as she leans her body out the window and starts shooting after the intruder.

Naturally, I manage to catch her once she's stopped at the window, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her smaller body away from the window, not being able to stop her as she fires most likely every round in the shotgun.

I manage to get her back halfway through the room before I finally quit pulling her away, letting my head fall to her shoulder, hiding my face in the crook of her neck. I barely notice the tears falling, but painfully feel the sobs racking through my body, shaking us both lightly as I hold onto her tightly, still somewhat afraid of losing her too.

It's all I can do, standing here holding her tightly, sobbing over the loss of my older brother. I don't even know what the hell Namjoon's doing, but I can hardly find it in me right now to care. It's only when I feel arms wrapping around both Sunmi and myself that I figure out where he's at, feeling him holding both of us tightly to him. This only makes me cry harder, appreciating that he's not shoving Sunmi out of this, but saddened by the fact that I'll never feel the warm embrace of my oldest brother any longer.

"It's gonna be okay. We're going to find that bastard, and everyone around him will feel the pain of what he's done tonight." Namjoon mutters quietly to us. I can't find it in me to respond though, knowing there's no way in hell I'll be able to formulate any sort of coherent response.

"He's already dead. We just have to find who he belongs to." Sunmi murmurs softly, gently placing her hands over top of mine. I reach my fingers up to lace them through hers, continuing to hold her and cry, not being able to control myself tonight. Not after something like this. I can still hardly believe it.

"Come on, you two. I'll call someone to get this cleaned up and we can have a closed funeral tomorrow. For now, let's get the two of you downstairs with some warm cups of tea and put a movie on. Yeah? Get you both calmed down and get your mind off of what's happened." Namjoon urges gently, pulling out of the hug lightly so as to give us both a gentle nudge towards the door.

Reluctantly, I let go of Sunmi so that I can take her hand in mine once more, nodding my head as Namjoon leads us out of the bedroom.

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