Chapter 32

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Sunmi POV

"You're not funny, little girl. You think you can hide yourself from me. It's simple. Come out before I decide to go to your brother instead." Appa threatens loudly as I hear him step foot in my room that I share with Yoongi. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, hands clamped over my mouth as I try not to let my breathing get out of hand.

"Sunmi, get the fuck out here! You've got till three and I'm just going to go for Yoongi instead, you little shit." Appa shouts in frustration. I whimper quietly at the threat of him hurting my older brother, quickly crawling out from under our bunk beds before Yoongi can even think of exposing himself from our closet. I don't even get halfway out of the bed though, before he's grabbing hold of my wrists and yanking me up, slamming the center of my lower back into the edge of the bed in the process. I squeal out in pain, not being fast enough to catch myself as I whine out from the pain.

"Appa, please!" I cry out just seconds before I'm thrown across the room. I'm not fast enough to bite back my scream when I make impact with the dresser on the other side of the room, falling down from being half strewn across it.

"Shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch! You act like I'd ever have fucking sympathy for your pathetic ass." Appa growls as he stalks towards me. Already aching from what's only just begun, I look up at him through the tears that are blurring my vision.

"Get it through your fucking worthless head, Sunmi. Nobody. Will. Ever. Love you." He snaps before reeling his foot back in preparation for a kick.

"NO!" I scream, jolting upright in a panic. My breathing is heavy and erratic, looking around fearfully. I can feel my body shaking in fear as I scan the somewhat familiar room. Whimpering quietly as I wrap my arms around my legs and pulling them up to my chest, I hardly notice the  tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Yoongi?" I call out nervously, panicking as to where my brother is, needing to know he's safe.

"Yoongi?!" I call louder, nervously crawling off the bed. I try to stand up, however that doesn't work too well I find, as my body crashes to the hardwood flooring beneath me. I cry loudly, curling up into a ball, terrified to leave the room I've found myself in and figure out what's waiting for me outside of here.

"Yoongi?!" I call out loudly, risking my neck at this point, desperately wanting to know that my brother is okay. Though, it soon occurs to me that I hadn't fallen asleep alone, only causing the panic to rise.

"Tae?! Yoongi?! Tae?!" I shout at this point, beginning to grow scared that I'm all alone at this point, something that might just be worse than having someone here with me when I'm in this kind of state.

I whimper quietly, letting my body collapse back down the little bit that I'd been able to support myself. Sobbing harder, I curl up into a small ball, my body shaking violently as I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, my entire body burning in all the places where I know scars have been left.

Though, I soon hear footsteps faintly outside of my room, the sound slowly growing louder as whoever's out there gets closer. I can't manage to calm myself down though, flinching hard at the sound of the room door gently getting pushed open. I can feel myself choking for air at this point, crying much too hard for proper breathing.

"Sunmi, calm down. You're perfectly fine." I flinch once more at the much colder than I'd like voice. Nervously lifting my head up fearfully to look at who's here with me, it takes me a good minute of staring at him before it occurs to me who it is.


It scares me even more seeing him, jolting myself back up into a sitting position, quickly pushing myself backwards until I'm backed up against the bed behind me. Eyes wide, I keep my gaze nervously locked on the taller male stood in the doorway with a blank expression.

"Sunmi, stop this. You've got to grow up and get over this. Now get up. Dinner's ready." Namjoon says, a hint of annoyance in his voice. I whimper quietly, not moving a single muscle.

"Where's Yoongi? Where's Tae?" I ask quietly, needing to know. Needing to know what happened to them and where they are. He huffs with an eye roll.

"Sunmi, I have no idea who the fuck Yoongi is, and Taehyung is downstairs in the kitchen already. Now get the fuck up and come downstairs for dinner." Namjoon snaps coldly before walking out of the room again.

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