Chapter 18

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Taehyung POV

"Was it really necessary for her to torture and kill him?" Namjoon questions quietly as we wait outside for Sunmi. It's already been a minute and a half since we got up here and I'm beginning to wonder what exactly is taking her so long to get it over with already.

"She needed to prove that we can trust her. We're fucked if we take her to the gala in a few days and she sides with her father. The plan that we've prepared will backfire on us and create a shitstorm that we won't be able to weather." I answer, keeping my gaze on the doors as I await her arrival. Though, it's only mere seconds later that the door swings open, revealing a blank looking Sunmi. Without a word said, she walks over to us before stopping, clearly waiting for the next set of instructions.

"Is it done?" I ask calmly, quirking an eyebrow up as I look down at her. Her eyes slowly look up to meet mine, giving me a curt nod.

"Good. Let's go then." I say to no one in particular. Though, everyone moves as we turn to head back over to the car, everyone taking the same places as before.

However, it's different this time. Sunmi isn't buzzing with energy, questions awaiting us, no fear or any type of emotion in her eyes. Nothing. She's just... there. She doesn't look over to me, she doesn't try talking to me, doesn't ask a single question, let alone uttering a single word. Namjoon and Jin are sat up front again, both of them unusually silent as well. I can tell them seem a little off put by the lack of emotion coming from Sunmi, them both seeming a little concerned for her. Though, I'm not entirely sure if they're concerned because of her lack of speaking and lack of showing any sort of feeling, or if it's because of what they witnessed back in the basement.

I try not to worry about it too much, not wanting to dwell on the subject. I'm not entirely sure why she would be so bothered over what happened back there anyways. It's not like it's the first time she's ever hurt someone that's never done anything to her before. It's not like it's the first time she's left anyone with scars and screaming their lungs out. Hell, it's not even her first time killing someone.

I mentally shake my head though, deciding to just rid myself of those thoughts as we grow closer to the house. Instead, I let my mind run over the events of tonight and how smoothly everything ran. How everything went according to plan and worked out better than I expected.

I'm broken from my thoughts though, when Jin hyung pulls into the driveway, parking the car. We all climb out, Sunmi last to follow as we walk up to the front door and go inside. She simply closes the door behind her when she gets in, pausing by the door as she keeps her gaze on the floor.

"Is there anything else you need of me tonight?" She asks quietly, her voice sounding oddly empty. I glance over at the others, finding them frowning with worry as well.

"No, we're done for the night, Sunmi. You can go get changed and relax or go workout if you'd like now." I respond calmly, not wanting to let my own personal concern show. She just gives us a small nod though. We all watch as she silently walks over to the stairs, her movements certain but still somewhat ginger as she slowly ascends the stairs and disappears out of sight.

Pursing my lips, the three of us go over to the living room and sit down, taking our shoes off before glancing around at each other.

"Anyone else a little worried? She seems pretty fucking blank after all of this." Jin speaks up softly with a frown. Namjoon immediately nods.

"I'm sure as fuck concerned. She turned ice fucking cold at some point before Taehyung started talking to her, and I don't think anyone's ever scared the hell out of me so much. Like, she didn't react to anything. She simply... acted." Namjoon pipes up, looking between the two of us.

"I'm not so sure that it's a good idea to be having her partake in anymore activities like tonight's. I would personally like not to ever see her turn into what she's currently feeling right now." Jin agrees. I just roll my eyes at them, shaking my head as I stand.

"She'll partake in whatever the fuck we need her help in. She's a fucking girl, guys. She's nothing to be afraid of. You already know how fucking scared she is of us, of course she's going to listen. Stop acting like fucking wimps. Clearly the two of you need some sleep." I scoff before walking away and out of the living room, heading for the stairs. As much as I won't admit it, I'm just as worried for her, if not more worried than they are. It really was terrifying just how cold those ocean blue eyes turned. How cold she can really be.

"Maybe we're just not completely out of our fucking minds. Maybe your the one that needs to just wake the hell up." Jin comments quietly just as I set foot on the stairs.

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