Chapter 9

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Continuing to throw punch after punch, swinging kick after kick, my mind is nowhere with my body as I continue the abuse against the punching bag in front of me. I've lost any sense of time, something that happened probably no more than a few minutes into it, just like every other time.

I don't have any idea of my surroundings anymore, something that happens whenever I get at this. I don't realize it when Namjoon sticks his head in the door, saying my name. My mind still elsewhere, thoughts of the past still swirling around in my head. I don't know it when he calls my name louder, my gaze solely focused on the black punching bag with my rising my anger and keeping it quite high. Nothing sinks in as I continue throwing punch after punch, kick after kick, not having a single clue that Namjoon enters the room completely, having grown annoyed with my lack response. I still don't recognize any surroundings even when he's right beside me, vision not something I entirely have as the adrenaline keeps pumping through me.

It's only when he touches my shoulder that I have any idea that someone's there, him having laid his hand on my shoulder. Out of panic, I turn towards him and kick him before stumbling backwards with wide eyes, breathing heavy. Finally realizing that it's just Namjoon, my heart drops as my eyes widen even more if possible. He glares up at me, arm wrapped around his stomach.

"Don't fucking ignore me next time, Sunmi. You're goddamn lucky that it's only me you were ignoring and not Taehyung. You need to get a fucking grip and stop fucking hitting us and kicking us. You're going to get yourself into a shit ton of fucking trouble if you keep that shit up." Namjoon snaps coldly as he pushes himself up onto his feet.

I stumble backwards a few steps before Namjoon latches a hand onto my wrist, immediately beginning to drag my towards the door. I can tell already just how pissed off he is, obviously not happy about the accidental kick.

"Namjoon, I'm sorry! It was an accident! I didn't know it was you, I didn't know you were there!" I apologize fearfully as he drags me up the stairs. He doesn't bother responding, scaring me even more about what's gonna happen and what's going on to begin with. Though, he merely drags me into the kitchen where Taehyung and Jin are already sat at the table before practically tossing me to the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut as I make impact with the tile flooring, curling my legs up closer to the rest of my body.

"What the hell took you two so long?" Taehyung questions, simply looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. I look between him and Namjoon, trying not to let my breathing get too out of control as the last thing I need right now is a panic attack.

"Someone didn't feel like fucking listening when I went to get her for dinner and decided to fucking kick me instead." Namjoon snaps frustratedly as he glares down at me. I flinch at his tone, my hands immediately coming up so that one's wrapped around my stomach and the other to protect my face.

"I'm sorry! I promise, it was an accident! I didn't know you where there!" I apologize once more, squeezing my eyes shut tightly in attempt to hold back tears. The last thing I need right now is to look weak, and that's exactly what'll happen if they see me crying. Though, when I don't feel a foot come in contact with any part of my body, I slowly and reluctantly open my eyes to figure out what's going on. Namjoon is still stood in his place though, nobody having moved a muscle.

"Namjoon, sit down. You're scaring her." Taehyung snaps quietly. The older boy sighs, rolling his eyes but taking a seat nonetheless across from his younger brother.

"Sunmi, get the fuck up and sit down in your chair. You're not a dog, so don't act like one and just sit on the fucking floor." Taehyung snaps in an oddly calm tone. I flinch once more, biting my lip as I slowly pull myself up off the floor and set my body down into the chair across from Jin. I swallow hard as I look down at the food sat on the plate in front of me with a set of chopsticks beside the plate.

"If you're worried about it being poisoned or drugged, Sunmi, it's not. You can eat." Jin speaks up as he realizes I've not begun eating like the other three have.

"I'm not hungry." I respond quietly, my voice a mere whisper as I stare down at it.

"Sunmi, eat. There's nothing wrong with it and you need to eat. I don't need you staying here and starving yourself to fucking death." Taehyung snaps as he glances over at me. Biting my lip hard, I shake my head as I try to keep my breathing under control.

"I can't. I'm sorry, I can't. I'm not hungry." I mumble quietly before standing up and rushing off away from the table.

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