Chapter 57

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Taehyung POV

"How's she holding up?" Namjoon asks curiously when I reach the kitchen. I smile at the question, grateful that they've both come to accept her a bit more than they had at the beginning.

"She still seems like she's in a lot of pain. I think she's trying to hide some of it though. Doesn't want to worry us, I think." I answer with a small sigh as I sit on the barstool beside him. Jin hyung is at the stove already cooking, having beaten me to what I'd been planning on doing down here in the first place. Namjoon simply nods at this, running a hand through his hair.

"We need to make sure that she heals properly. It wasn't a good idea taking her out of the hospital before they released her appropriately, so you're going to need to be careful with her and making sure that she's not pushing herself too hard. We're both trying to be very understanding of the fact that you've fallen for her, and we both want you to be happy with her. However, you're going to need to start thinking of what you're going to do with her, what you want to do with her." Namjoon responds, looking over at me with a tired expression on his face. I frown at this, unsure of whether to be angry at this or simply confused as I am now.

"What exactly do mean by that?" I question quietly, not certain of how to feel about this. He smiles a little at this, causing me to feel even more confused than before as I look over to Jin hyung for some sort of explanation. He too smiles though, making me beyond baffled.

"If she's to be a part of the family, she's got to have some sort of role here, Tae. We'd both prefer you find her a job within reason of the business and some sort of role within the family. Have you made anything official with her yet?" Jin informs me calmly. My eyes widen at this, lips falling slack in surprise by this. Though, it quickly turns into a grin as his words process and sink in. Chuckling lightly to myself in happiness, I nod my head.

"I did actually. I actually asked her to be my girlfriend earlier today. So, we are properly together now." I answer, feeling fairly proud of myself and grateful that Sunmi pushed me to actually ask her. They both chuckle at this, nodding their heads at this.

"Good. It's about damn time you did. You'll need to think at some point of proposing. The sooner you can make things complete with her, the safer she'll be. That way others won't feel as much the urge to come after her. Knowing she's secured as yours, they'll be less encouraged to bring her harm as it'll bring them pain from us." Namjoon comments. I feel myself begin to blush at this, not even having thought about moving that far this fast yet.

"You need to figure out what she's to do about work as well. Whether she's going to be working at all, or simply staying here and taking care of herself. The only concern that brings is her being able to handle herself while home alone, because you'll eventually have to start going back into the office. If she is going to work, you need to figure out what exactly it is that you want her doing." Jin adds on as well, a small amused smile on his face.

I bite my lip, averting my gaze to the countertop as I nod my head. I can't believe that they're actually this okay with everything. That everything is really finally starting to calm down and fall into place. That it's all working out. I can't believe that they actually believe in us now.

I can't help but bite my lip in a grin, trying to contain my happiness. I've not ever felt as happy as I do now about all of this. That we've finally gotten rid of a man not only of enemy to me and my brothers, but to the girl that I've most certainly fallen deeply in love with. That I've finally gotten her back and can work on getting her properly healed without having to fear the man that haunts her every second of her life coming back for her. That I can actually call her mine and that she wanted to be mine as well. That they actually want her as part of the family finally as well.

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