Chapter 47

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Taehyung POV

Sighing to myself, I sit in bed the next morning atop my bedsheets and covers, wide awake but too much on my mind to actually get up. I have my knees pulled up to my chest with my arms wrapped around them, my chin on top of my knees as I sit here quietly.

I hardly got any sleep last night, tossing and turning more than actually sleeping. Granted, these last few nights, I've been sleeping with Sunmi wrapped up in my arms. So, I'm not sure if it's the mere fact that she wasn't here last night, or if it's because I know she's not safe that caused me to sleep so poorly. Whatever the reason, my mind hasn't stopped running yet to allow me to actually find some peace to sleep, analyzing where everything went wrong, what could've been done better, how to get her back, what's going to happen from here. It's insane to think that I've fallen so hard for one girl, one random fucking girl that we pulled from the streets. And of course, it had the be the one with the highest of risks that I fell for. Not some damn person that has no life. That has no troubles following her around.

Hearing a knock at my door, I look over in that direction but don't bother responding, knowing it'll be opened within seconds regardless. And sure enough, two seconds later, the door is being pushed open to reveal my two brothers entering. I don't bother saying anything, simply watching them come over and sit down on my bed near the end. They've both got worried smiles on their faces, and I don't even need to guess as to why they're here right now.

"How're you feeling, Tae?" Jin hyung asks softly, giving me a small smile. I merely shrug, not entirely in the mood to talk at the moment.

"Did you get some sleep last night at least?" Namjoon asks gently, clearly trying to get some sort of answer out of me.

"Not really. Too many thoughts to be able to sleep." I mutter quietly, letting my gaze fall to the bed sheets beneath us. They both give me a small frown though, Jin moving to sit at my side as he puts an arm around me and pulls me into his side.

"Tae, you've gotta get some sleep and keep taking care of yourself. You're not going to be any good to her if you're too tired to function properly." Jin says softly, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"That's the problem. That's what you guys don't get. We've got no idea what kind of state she's in right now. She could be barely conscious for all we know. Hell, he could've killed her by now. She was certain that he killed Mijoo just to get her attention. Just to draw her out. Because all he really wanted was her. And she let him take her just so that she could save her brother." I explain quietly, shaking my head at them. Namjoon frowns at this though.

"It wasn't exactly her brightest move, Tae. She shouldn't have been so willing to give herself up just because of her brother." Namjoon responds, still frowning a bit. My head snaps up to look at him though, greatly disagreeing with him.

"Are you saying you wouldn't have done the same for Jin and I? If they had killed me and they had Jin hyung? Namjoon, she spent her entire childhood protecting him. Woosang abused them growing up, and Sunmi took the hit most times. She's always done everything she can to protect her older brother. Taken the abuse every time it came. Her body - it's littered with scars and old bruises that never faded. She wouldn't have let him take her if he didn't have Yoongi. If he didn't have her brother. But he does. And there's no way that we're going to be able to get her out of there until either Woosang or Yoongi is dead. We have to get there before he kills her brother, otherwise we're going to be bringing back a dead girl walking. She won't be any use to us or anyone. But it's not a dumb thing that she did, Namjoon. You just... You have to understand the context behind why she did what she did, and ask yourself if you'd have done the same. He was the last person she has left. I have no doubts that she'll do whatever she can to protect him until the day they die." I argue quietly, shaking my head at my brother.

They both look over to me in surprise, but my gaze stays locked on the bedsheets beneath us. My heart aches for her and I can only hope that we get to her in time.

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