Chapter 15

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Sunmi POV

The rest of the car ride to wherever the fuck we're going is silent, nobody saying another word the rest of the way there. I don't bother casting my gaze over to any of them, not wanting to see them or be seen at the moment.

Though, the silence finally gets broken when the car stops, Jin putting it in park outside of some dusty old warehouse. I mentally frown at the sight but don't let it show, wishing I could have some sort of fucking explanation already. However, by now, I feel like there's a pretty good chance that I won't be getting one, mildly frustrated and worried because of it, as I follow Taehyung out of the car.

"Stay by us and don't speak unless spoken directly to, by one of the three of us. You are to follow any instructions given to you by us, and don't want to find out the consequences if you refuse. Do I make myself clear?" Taehyung informs me in a quiet but stern tone as he leads the four of us towards the worn down building. Not saying a word, I merely nod in response. His information only worries me even more, making it hard for me to put my weak side away.

Remaining silent and following the three men into the building, I'm caught a bit off guard when Namjoon goes to the center of the room before kneeling down and sliding a dusty metal cover off of an opening. Immediately, there's light pouring out from below, a set of stairs now visible as all three boys pull on a set of black leather gloves. I purse my lips at the sight, following Taehyung down the stairs before Jin follows me, Namjoon at the very back as he slides the plate back over the stairway entrance before continuing down them with the rest of us. When we get to the bottom of the stairs though, there's a man tied up on a metal table, though a rope attached at his ankles with a decent amount of lead as if it had been the way someone had dragged him in. There's another man as well, not nearly as tall as Namjoon, but a fair bit taller than my brother, who's dressed in all black as he stands beside the table.

"Why the fuck did you bring a whore with you assholes, huh? Did you think she was gonna be able to seduce me into saying shit that isn't true?" The man snaps coldly with a glare as his gaze falls on us. Taehyung tsks at him though, putting his hand out in a motion for me to stop and stay as he walks over to the table. I just move back near the wall behind me, Jin and Namjoon stood by the stairwell just a small distance away from me.

"Yongjun, so quick to judge and make assumptions. We're simply here to have a clean discussion, get some answers to the questions that we have, and let it all be over with." Taehyung says in such a calm but taunting manner. It nearly causes a shiver to run up my spine at the tone he uses, knowing that tone all too well as the fear of the devil himself begins to slowly sink into my bones.

"Fuck off. You're not getting shit from me." Yongjun scoffs with a curled lip. I just watch, feeling somewhat like a breathing statue, as Taehyung takes the mans chin in his hand, moving his head back and forth, side to side a bit.

"You always have been ill-tempered, you dirty bastard. I'll cut to the point of it then, since you seem to be so goddamn fucking desperate. We know you've been working with Min Woosang. What the hell is he doing and what the fuck got you into working with that piece of shit in the first place?" Taehyung questions with a sigh. However, I tune out after that, the devils name itself falling from Taehyung's mouth in such a carefree manner.

Slowly lowering my gaze to the floor, there's a certain kind of empty feeling in the pit of my stomach that's mixing with now overactive stomach acid, churning together. I can feel my head beginning to spin, the pain of it beginning to pound as if someone were taking a fucking whiskey bottle to my head all over again, just like when I was little. I tune out of everything, no longer being entirely in touch with reality despite the growing confusion that bubbles up inside of me.

Do they know that Min Woosang is my father? That the man they speak of has me as a 'daughter', that Yoongi's alive and is his son, that our youngest sister happens to be that mans child? Why do they want me here? What exactly are they planning on doing with me? With this man tied to the table? What the fuck is going on?

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