Chapter 54

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Sunmi POV

As the car finally pulls to a stop, I lift my gaze up just the tiniest bit to look up at the house we've parked in front of. The house that I'd grown so close to being comfortable in completely, it now gives me nerves and sends caution signals throughout my entire body.

Too busy staring at the building with sore and aching muscles, I hardly realize that anyone has gotten out of the car until the door beside me is being opened. My head snaps over to the man in front of me, a small soft smile on his lips as he offers his hands out for me, knowing it's still a struggle for me to be moving around like this properly. Though, I don't want the help. I don't want to be babied. Not like this at least, not in the sense of doing it because I'm not currently fully capable of it.

It takes me a minute of simply looking over to him blankly, before I finally bother to make a single movement. Reaching my hands out to take his one that's being offered, feeling his other hand land on my waist to help support me as I climb out of the car. Just the task of getting out of the vehicle is enough to have me just short of breath, agitating myself beyond belief at how weak I am. It only reinforces the want to be able to be more independent, reinforcing how much more I need to be pushing myself. The doctors were already pissed when Tae took me out of the hospital, I'm nowhere near recovered enough to have been getting released. I couldn't stay in there though. I hate that place nearly as much as I hate how we still live in the same house we grew up in, not being able to control the factor of my mind not wanting to cooperate so that we could move elsewhere though.

Neither of us speak a word as he holds my hand, fingers laced through mine as he leads us up to the front door that's already been opened for us. Jin had been the one to come pick us up, him and Namjoon not having stayed at the hospital and working there like what Tae had been doing.

"Okay, Tae, you know how to cook so I'm not going to stick around. I'm going to head back to work. Call me if you need anything or if anything happens, the both of you." Jin informs us, giving us a curt nod before heading back outside to the car. Tae simply lets go of my hand at this, moving his hand to rest on the small of my back as he leads us away from the door after shutting it behind us. I keep my gaze on the floor, watching our feet move as he leads us over to the stairs and slowly up them. I swallow hard at this, my heart jumping up in my throat as I follow him up the stairs, wishing I didn't have to be feeling so divided. Wishing things weren't so complicated.

"You've been awfully quiet, baby. You feeling okay?" Tae murmurs softly, still looking straight ahead as we finally reach the top of the stairs. I bite the inside of my bottom lip, nodding my head lightly as I don't glance over at him as well. We fall silent as he leads me down the hallway until we've reached where our rooms are located, him stepping before me so that he can open the door. He leads me inside my bedroom, hand only leaving my back once we're both inside.

"Why don't you go get changed, baby? We can cuddle up once your in comfier clothes." Tae suggests softly, turning towards me with a small smile as he looks down at me, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. I just nod my head, walking away from him and going over to my dresser on the other side. I end up deciding upon a pair of brown leggings, finding a maroon hoodie in my closet to pair with it along with a pair of gray fuzzy socks. I take the clothes, silently heading into my bathroom while Tae slips his shoes off by the door and makes his way towards my bed.

I make a point of turning myself away from the mirror, not wanting to look at my destroyed body as I change. It makes all of my muscles light up in pain, aching and yelling for me to quit moving as I change. Though, my mind is elsewhere, wondering what exactly is happening between Tae and I. The thoughts couldn't be more out of place and wrongly timed, Yoongi's words echoing in my head as I fold the clothes neatly and place them on the counter before exiting the bathroom. Like usual, I find Tae already on my bed, a gentle smile on his face as he reaches his arms out to me once he spots me. I can't help but giggle softly at the gesture, going over and curling up with the boy that I can't seem to get enough of.

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