Chapter 51

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Yoongi POV

Arriving at the office the next morning, I use the one crutch I'd been given and told to use when moving about. Jimin and Jungkook conveniently seem to be the only two in the office this morning, eyes widening when they spot me.

"Hyung, what the fuck?!" Jimin questions as they both stand up. I just shake my head and point at the conference room up here, not wanting to risk anyone else coming in and hearing what I have to discuss with them. They thankfully seem to understand, the two of them heading over to the room and leaving the door open for me so that I can enter without any hassle.

It takes me a little longer to get there than normal, my own patience running thin on how slowly I have to move from everything that's happened in the last week. By the time I finally reach the door to the conference room, I'm nearly huffing and puffing all out of breath. Both Jungkook and Jimin have worried expressions on their faces, concerned about my condition as I finally flop into my seat at the head of the table.

"Hyung, what the hell happened to you? Where've you been?" Jimin questions quietly, getting up and shutting the door for me. I mentally smack myself for having forgotten that, growing even further irritated with myself than before. Sighing loudly, I run a hand through my hair as I lean back in my seat.

"A lot has happened in the last week. Okay? I... My father killed my youngest sister. I told you guys that she went missing a couple days before I disappeared and... I found her that Saturday, dead. And, while I'd been out getting the three of us coffee, I... I got taken. Apparently my father was in the business of gangs as well. I've spent probably the most of this last week in the hospital because of that man, and Sunmi is still in there." I inform them softly, my gaze lowered on the top of the table as I speak.

The room falls silent as I finish speaking, though I don't bother lifting my gaze up to look at them. I figure they're probably letting what I've said sink in, understandably so considering the amount of information I've unloaded on them.

"What about Sunmi? You said she was in the hospital with you and that she's still there? Were you able to talk to her at all?" Jungkook asks quietly, his voice barely louder than a whisper. I let my eyes fall shut at the question, still unsure and concerned for her after the conversation we'd had yesterday.

"I'm more concerned for her now than I was before. She... She thinks she's in love with the youngest Kim. She took the hardest hits, the bullets and everything like always. She was unconscious when we got to the hospital. But... She woke up yesterday, I think. Just a little bit before she got brought into my room by the youngest Kim. I don't know what's going on between them, but she thinks she's in love with him, and he certainly played the act by kissing the top of her head before he left us alone for a few minutes. But, health wise... I can't say that she's been too much worse than she is now. She'll recover, just like she always does, but I don't know how much she's gonna like being at the hospital. She's only been there once before and she hated it." I answer hesitantly, ruffling my hair lightly.

"She thinks she loves one of the Kims?" Jimin questions in disbelief. I glance up over at him, nodding my head. Though, before we can get anything more said, there's a loud deliberate knock on the door before it's thrown open. My eyes widen in surprise as all three of our heads spin around. Sadly, I'm disgusted by who's stood in the doorway looking angrier and more frustrated than I've seen him in a long time. Though, that's probably because it's been a while since I've seen him.

"Alright, Min. What the fuck have you done with my girlfriend now? I already know you've been keeping her from seeing me, but I'm fucking fed up with it and I want to know where the fuck she is, right the fuck now."

I roll my eyes at this, wishing he weren't here right now with everything happening and going on.

"She's not your girlfriend any longer, and she hasn't been for a long fucking time. Now get the fuck out of here, because you have no clearance or right to be in here or on this floor, Jung Hoseok."

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