Chapter 40

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Sunmi POV

Not bothering to pull my hand out of Tae's gentle hold, I let him lead us into the building where the gala is being held. I feel oddly calm considering everything that's happening, the four of us walking up to the building and entering silently. Neither Namjoon nor Jin comment on the fact that Tae is still holding my hand, though I'm not sure if they're merely ignoring it because of what happened, or if they're actually okay with whatever is going on with us right now.

I remain silent as we enter, letting Tae handle getting us cleared to go inside, my eyes scan our surroundings nonstop. Knowing my father is here somewhere terrifies the hell out of me, but also manages to piss me off for some reason.

I guess, it probably has something to do with him being involved in all of this to start. The fact that he gave Yoongi and I such hell growing up, that he never provided us with anything of what we needed. The fact that he gave us the impression that he had no money, that he never gave a shit about life in general, that he'd gamble and drink every ounce of money he earned away. The fact that he's had a whole other family for years now. The fact that he's not shit all over them the way he did with my family. All of it just driving home the fact of how much of a piece of shit that man is. The fact that he went to the extent of murdering his own daughter in attempt to lure me out. In attempt to get what he wants.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I mumble softly to Tae, my eyes continuously looking around us in attempt to keep an eye out for the man I despise most in life.

"It's a little too late now to be backing out, baby. Besides, they're expecting the three of us here tonight. The only person nobody will be expecting is you, which is the goal. It's gonna be okay, baby. I'm right here and I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you." Tae murmurs gently, letting go of my hand before laying it on the small of my back, rubbing my back gently. I take a deep breath at this, pursing my lips as I try to take in what he's said and actually believe it.

"Tae, that's why he killed Mijoo though. He wanted to draw me out. He couldn't find me and so he took her instead. I'm what he wants right now." I argue quietly, still unsure of this whole operation.

This causes Tae to stop, Namjoon and Jin simply walking off together and leaving the two of us alone as they give Tae a mere nod. He just waves them off as they disappear in the crowd that we've reached, but his eyes are only on me right now.

"He's not laying so much as a finger on you, Sunmi. Okay? I'm right here and I'm going to be by your side the entire time. Besides, he may have been trying to draw you out, but this isn't where he's going to expect to find you. Not only that, but those tattoos you've now got? Everyone here knows those by heart. Knows that those tattoos belong to the three of us. That one on your arm? A symbol anyone who works for us or belongs to us wears. The one on your hip that's beautifully visible with each step you take? They know you're ours. That you're one of us. Touching you would now be the same as anyone laying a finger on Namjoon hyung, or Jin hyung, or me. You have nothing to be afraid of now, baby. You've got me. I'm not gonna let anything more happen to you." Tae informs me, his tone serious just like the look in his eyes. Though, the level of caring and gentleness in his eyes is enough to calm my nerves, just enough that I can manage to handle what's happening.

"Okay." I whisper softly, biting my bottom lip gently. He gives me a small smile at this, leaning in and pecking my lips gently as if over half the people around us weren't paying complete attention to our actions.

"Come on. Why don't we go dance, baby?" Tae murmurs softly as he pulls away. I merely nod my head in return, letting him pull me into the crowd and further into the center of the ballroom where the dance floor is. He doesn't hesitate in placing a hand on my hip and his other taking mine, beginning to sway us around to dance.

Though, this doesn't last long before someone's approaching us, causing Tae to stop. Our movements freeze as I watch the unfamiliar man come up to us and whisper something in Tae's ear, making me grow worried.

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