Chapter 49

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Taehyung POV

"Where the hell would they be keeping her though?" Jin questions worriedly as we slowly slink through the warehouse in the middle of nowhere that we found she'd been taken to. I just shake my head, swallowing hard as we carefully round corners in the dimly lit hallways. I make sure to check in each doorway we come across, not having a clue where the hell she could be.

Though, as we make it to the third floor and round the first corner, faint sobbing sounds can be heard. My eyes widen as I look back at the others, seeing that they clearly hear it too. With confirmation that they hear the same that I do, I take off down the hall, glancing through any glass windows in doors as we go by, listening to the sound of the cries getting louder the further I go.

I eventually slow down, worried I'll pass by the room as the crying now just sounds completely muffled. Carefully checking each door, we eventually come to one with a decent sized window that has some blood splattered on it. I don't hesitate in going inside, having a feeling that it happens to be the exact room she's in.

Though, as I enter the room, everything seems to stop. Time. Feeling. Nearly any and all movement. It's all in slow motion.

Out in nearly the center of the large, nearly empty room, both Sunmi and Yoongi are laid on the concrete ground. Bloody, beaten, and bruised. Yoongi is laid on his back, but seems to be the only one who's conscious between the two, his head turned to his side in the direction of his sister as his chest continuously rises and falls. The sounds of cries are evidently coming from him, his hand holding hers tightly as the sounds of his sobs rise and fall.

I can't bring myself to move or do anything, my eyes locked on the two weak figures laid on the floor. My hearing seems impaired as well, Namjoon and Jin rushing past me while Namjoon's on the phone. I can't manage to force myself to move, my heart dropping to my stomach and shattering into millions of pieces.

Time slows down as well, not being able to do anything but watch them lift both Sunmi and Yoongi up in their arms before heading back over to me. Though, Jin holds back rather than racing out the door since he has Yoongi, managing to grab hold of my wrist gently to get me moving. He quickly let's go though, needing the stability for holding the boy in his arms as he begins to move at a faster pace. I quickly follow behind, right on his heels despite not really feeling anything.

All I can feel is the pain in my chest, the aching in my heart. The feeling of having failed. That I let her down. After everything she's gone through, and I let her down. And yet, despite not having been there for her, she still did us the favor of getting rid of her father.

I can hardly think straight as we race out of the building, running straight for our car. I don't hesitate in taking the wheel, knowing neither of the others are going to be able to drive. It's scary, the first time I've driven in a long fucking time, but I don't really have much a choice at this point. If I don't drive now, we're fucked. I'll lose them both. And losing either one is losing both. Losing anything and everything that I care about right now.

"Hurry the fuck up, Tae! We don't have long!" Namjoon shouts from the backseat, making me hit the gas even harder than I'd already been doing. My nerves are shot, adrenaline pumping faster and harder than ever before, my mind more scattered than I ever could've imagined before. I never thought I could be so worried over someone that wasn't my brothers. Someone that we just grabbed off the streets to help us get rid of an enemy. An enemy that I never would've guessed would've been an enemy of their own too.

Thankfully, we arrive at a hospital after what feels like way too long. I don't even bother parking in a regular spot, throwing the car in park at the emergency entrance and jumping out of the car. I manage to take Sunmi out of Namjoon's arms in order to help him with getting out, Jin hyung right on my heels as we race for the entrance.

"Please! You have to help them!" I shout in fear, not even registering the tears that are now spilling down my cheeks. I nearly collapse to the floor when she's taken from my arms, being put on a bed and quickly getting rushed through to the emergency room area, Yoongi quickly getting similar treatment.

I don't bother holding it in anymore, sobbing right here on the floor, terrified that we're much too late for them. Too late for Sunmi.

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