Chapter 27

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Yoongi POV

Carefully setting the phone down on my desk, I can't help but just stare at the desk in front of me. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened and everything that I was just told.

"Hyung? What was it? What happened? How's she doing?" Jungkook asks as he and Jimin walk up to my desk. They both lean on the empty one just across the aisle way from me, waiting intently to find out what I just got from my sister.

"She's doing okay. They... they haven't hurt her yet." I answer quietly, running a hand through my hair, still not looking up at them yet.

"Well, but that's a good thing. Right?" Jimin responds unsurely, both of them clearly a little uncertain with my own struggling confidence. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head as I finally lift my gaze up to look at them.

"They haven't hurt her yet. I don't know what they've been doing with her. They want to take my father down though. They... they want to use her to bring him down. And she... She's helping them." I whisper quietly, still not wanting to believe what I've been told. Hell, I didn't even know that bastard was in that type of fucking industry. And now she's gonna try and get involved with that shit? She's-shes willingly putting herself in that type of place?

Groaning as I run my hands over my face, I shake my head at myself.

"I guess that shit isn't too surprising. It's Sunmi after all." I huff quietly, shaking my head to myself.

"What do you mean, hyung?" Jimin asks in confusion with a small frown. I sigh, leaning back in my chair as I fold my arms over my chest and look up to them.

"It's Sunmi. Stubborn and strong willed. And if anyone has any hatred worth taking out on that bastard, it's her. And... If anyone were given the opportunity to take revenge with near perfect guarantee return, it's going to be her. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve to get her revenge on that man, but that's a dangerous game that they're gambling with on her. She's not remotely stable enough to be able to handle something like that without it backfiring on them ten fold. They really are essentially gambling with her right now, with that plan. I'm not so certain that it's the right move for her to be making, to just so readily agree either." I explain in a soft tone, keeping my voice at a hushed volume so that the others don't need to worry about what's happening. None of them are as close to Sunmi and myself as Jungkook and Jimin here at the department, so they wouldn't at all be understanding my concerns with her.

I watch as both Jimin and Jungkook exchange a surprised but worried look, both biting their lips before their gazes return to me, before falling to the floor.

"What are we gonna do though?" Jungkook asks quietly, looking back up to me with worry. I purse my lips, shaking my head sadly.

"I don't think there's anything we really can do, is there? If we take her out, it destroys the mission, not to mention the amount of risk we'd be taking with her life. I can't imagine that they don't keep a close watch on her and keep her with them wherever they go when they leave the house. I highly doubt that they'd even so much as hesitate with putting a bullet through her head if we tried any dumb shit like getting her out of there and away from them." Jimin argues gently, worriedly glancing between the two of us. Running a distressed hand through my hair, I sigh with a nod in agreement.

"Jimin's right. There really isn't a whole hell of a lot that we can do right now. We make any wrong move or any wrong advancement on them, and they could easily end her in a second without a single care. The last thing I need is to lose my goddamn sister." I agree dejectedly. Jungkook bites his lip sadly, pursing them.

"Is there really absolutely nothing we can do to help her?" Jungkook whispers softly. Sighing, I nod my head sadly.

"I'm afraid so. Nothing we can really do other than sit back, keep an eye out for them, and wait for more news from her. Might as well get back to work." I respond in an equally soft voice. They both give me saddened smiles, reaching out and placing a hand on my shoulder each.

"Hang in there, hyung. She can handle this. She's the toughest one we've got after all. It's about time she got her chance to try and prove something of herself. Maybe you'll find out that she's not as weak as you're worried she is."

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