Chapter 48

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Sunmi POV

Laying on the ground with my wrists and ankles tied up, I can feel my entire body pulsating in pain. I've been tossed to the floor beside Yoongi who thankfully hasn't been touched since I got brought in here.

"You know if you lick the duck tape enough, it'll loosen up and you can move your mouth around enough to get it off." I tell him quietly, managing to move my body around enough to look up at him. He looks over to me with a saddened expression, sighing through his nose as he nods. Though, I can't help but smile just a little when his face quickly twists into disgust at what I'm sure is the taste of the duck tape. Sighing softly to myself with a tiny smile, I lay my head back down on the hard concrete floor, trying to ignore the aching in my body.

"That is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted." Yoongi mutters quietly after a few minutes. I smile at the sound of his voice, having missed it so much.

"Baby, what're you doing here? How'd he get you?" Yoongi quickly questions, looking over to me with worry. I give him a small smile, feeling the exhaustion slowly sinking into my bones.

"I'm here because of you, Yoongi. He knew too well that he could get me anytime as long as he's got you. I can't just leave you here with him alone." I answer softly. I watch his face fall though, heartbreak in his eyes so painfully evident.

"Sunmi, you can't do this, baby. You can't hold yourself back because of me. You have to let yourself keep growing and living. Not continuously doing this to yourself just because of me." Yoongi says quietly, his voice sounding so choked up as tears begin to form in his eyes.

"Yoongi, you're all I have left. I know he killed Mijoo. I can't afford to lose you too. You mean everything to me, Yoongi. I will always give my life for yours and that's something that's never gonna change." I inform him, beginning to work my hands around so that I can try and loosen the rope that they so carelessly used. He whimpers softly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Baby, the last thing I want is for you to give your life up just to make sure that you're here for me and protecting me. I'm supposed to be the older sibling, remember?" Yoongi jokes lightly at the end, causing me to smile once more, trying harder to loosen the rope around my wrists.

"I'm always gonna do everything I can to protect you, Yoongi. That's never going to change." I tell him, looking around me before spotting a shard of glass. I smirk at the sight, moving my body as best I can to get to it. Finally getting close, I roll my body around, wincing at the pain it causes but ignoring it as I soon manage to grab the glass in my hand. I feel it slice my palm instantly, squeezing my eyes shut in pain as I force myself to work through it, trying as hard as I can to cut the rope.

"Baby, what're you doing?" Yoongi asks softly, a curious and worried look on his face. I force a small smile onto my face as I look over to my brother, just as I'm able to cut through the rope. I grin up at him, feeling the rope slowly fall from my wrists, quickly moving to undo the rope at my wrists before crawling over to him to start untying him as well.

"Getting us the fuck out of here, that's what." I answer quietly, trying to contain the little bit of excitement that's built up.

Though, just as I finish getting him untied and onto his feet, the door behind me bursts open. I spin on my heel instantly, making sure to stand in front of my brother as I glare at the three men entering the room.

"You don't really think you're getting out of here alive, do you?" Appa questions in amusement. I quickly scan the three of them, identifying that all three of the have a gun on their hips and that's not counting how many knives they may have hidden.

"I know it's not gonna be your ass that walks out of here alive." I growl lowly, my anger of him laying a hand on Yoongi without me around quickly bubbling up. He chuckles, sounding simply amused as he pulls the gun from its holster and aims it right at me.

"Funny of you to be making any sort of threats when you're at the disadvantage here." He smirks calmly.

"Go ahead. You won't take me out in an instant like you could. It'd ruin all the fun for you."

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