Chapter 72

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Sunmi POV

The days pass by much too quickly for my liking, and before I know it, it's Thursday. We've got the meeting with their head of security in just an hour, leaving me only fifteen more minutes to be dressed and ready to leave with the other two. However, Tae has been particularly careful with me since he came home to Hoseok dead at the foot of the stairs the other day, hardly letting me get up and do much for myself.

"What do you feel like wearing today, baby?" Tae asks softly as he leans over and kisses my cheek. I smile lightly at the gesture, shrugging just a little.

"Whatever would be appropriate, I suppose." I respond quietly. He rolls his eyes at this, clearly not happy with my answer.

"Sunmi, come on. I'm sure there's something you'd like to wear." He urges gently.

I'm certain you'd much rather me be obstinate and not let us get out of the house on time...

"Tae, I'm not wearing just anything. You know what would be appropriate for the meeting and that's what I'd like to wear. Okay?" I counter lightly with a small smile. He rolls his eyes at me, pecking my lips lightly before getting up from the bed. I simply watch as he makes his way over to my closet and begins sifting through the clothes. Though, I can't help myself as I stand, making my way over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist from behind.

"Baby, you should be sitting down. There's a reason I'm helping you with getting ready this morning." Tae murmurs softly, still sifting through my closet. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, determined not to cry as I shrug against him.

"I'm not that fragile, you know." I mumble through a pout, feeling his muscles shift underneath me.

"Come on. Let's get you back to bed so that we can get you dressed." Tae whispers softly. I frown at him, disliking the way it makes me sound like an actual child.

"Tae, I can dress myself." I tell him with a small frown as I look up at him. He chuckles though, nodding his head as he tucks a few loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Is it gonna be easier if you do it or if I help you though?" He questions lightly. I roll my eyes at him, snatching the jeans and top that he'd picked out for me. He laughs once more at this, watching me as I head off to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and change as quickly as possible while still trying not to reopen any wounds.

"Ready to go?" He asks once I've reentered my bedroom. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head despite the nerves in my stomach making me want to go throw up. He makes his way over to me, taking my hand in his before leading us out of the room and downstairs where Namjoon is waiting for us. He gives us a smile and a curt nod, making his way over and joining us so that we can leave.

I manage to steal a glimpse at the clock on our way out, right on time with forty five minutes to go. I've never felt more stressed in my life, never been so sad with a single action of my own as I am now, never felt so conflicted.

The entire drive there is silent, Tae only asking the occasional question here and there towards Namjoon. It doesn't make me feel any better, the silence eating away at me from the inside out as I sit beside Tae in the back, curled up against his side with his arm draped over me.

When the car finally stops, I realize just what exactly Namjoon had meant by barren. Because it's no understatement. It makes me all the more nervous, hoping with everything in me that Yoongi and the other two listened when I told them not to come themselves.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, baby. You don't have to be so worried. Howon is a really good person and we're gonna be very safe here." Tae murmurs softly once Namjoon's gotten out of the car. I give him a small smile, grateful that that's what he thinks my nerves are about, because honestly I don't know that I'd be able to explain them otherwise.

He leans down, connecting our lips gently once more and it takes everything in me not to cry. It's a gentle kiss but doesn't last too long, nothing like the one from a few days ago. When he pulls away, he gives me another small smile, pecking my lips one last time before leading us out of the car.

Glancing over at the location that we're going to be in when all hell breaks loose, I take a deep breath and simply give takes hand a small squeeze.

Please don't hate me too much for this...

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