Chapter 8

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Sunmi POV

Finding myself stood at the entrance of what I'm assuming to be the living room, I bite my lip nervously as I keep my head lowered. Jin is still in the kitchen cleaning up while I've just managed to find Taehyung and Namjoon sat in the living room together.

"What do you want, Sunmi?" Taehyung questions calmly as he looks over at me with a raised eyebrow. I note the laptop sat on his lap along with the one on Namjoon's, realizing that I'm interrupting whatever work they'd been doing. The realization doesn't really bother me, but it's something to note in case something should happen.

"Do you guys have a workout room here by chance? Unless the three of you had any plans for me for the day, I've got nothing to do." I ask quietly, not wanting to upset either of them after this mornings incident.

It makes me wonder how this is going to work out in the mornings, knowing there's no way of getting used to the fact that I won't be waking up to Yoongi laid behind me to catch me and hold me before I can get too fearful of everything. Not only that, but there's absolutely no chance of me getting used to waking up in a different room, no matter how long I'm stuck here. Yoongi and I tried to move the two of us and our little sister to an apartment after our dickhead of a father left us, and it didn't last more than a month before we ended up having to move back to the house that we've grown up in. It mentally tore me apart and it was too much for Yoongi to be able to try and keep up with, as well as myself. So, we moved back even though that house doesn't hold great memories for any of us.

"If you're only looking for it so that you can try to strengthen yourself enough to try and get out of here, it's not worth your time, Sunmi. There's three of us and one of you, and the grounds is guarded anyways. Nobody leaves or enters the grounds without at least one of the three of us knowing." Taehyung responds, looking back down at his computer screen as he begins typing. I frown at his assumption, not dumb enough to try stupid shit like that.

"Taehyung, I just want something to do. I'm not fucking dumb enough to try and run, I just want to workout." I snap quietly. He glares over at me, clearly not liking my harsh tone.

"Don't use that tone with me, Sunmi. I don't have the patience to put up with your shitty tones, and I won't hesitate to throw you in the fucking torture room if you get on my bad side. You have no room to be claiming such bullshit anyways, considering that's exactly what you were trying to do this morning." Taehyung growls. I swallow hard, subconsciously taking a couple steps back out of instinct.

"I just want to know if you guys have a workout room, Taehyung. It keeps me busy, and it keeps me out of your hair. You'll know where I am and that I'm not getting myself into any trouble. Please." I inform him softly, somehow managing to keep my voice steady despite the fear running through my veins at the moment. It's really not much of a surprise that it stays fairly even though, if I'm being completely honest. It's yet another thing I had to learn how to do because that dickhead.

Taehyung sighs, waving his hand dismissively.

"Namjoon can show you where it is. I'm in the middle of something right now, and I'm not in the mood to be around you." Taehyung responds casually, returning his gaze to his screen as he begins typing once more. I bite my lip, looking over to the taller boy that I know is older than Taehyung. I'm honestly surprised by the fact that the others let the youngest talk to them in such a way, when he should be showing them respect. Though, I'm sure as hell not about to be the one to point that little fact out.

Namjoon rolls his eyes at the younger, setting his own laptop aside and standing up. He gives me a small smile, motioning for me to follow him.

"Come on. This way." Namjoon says quietly as he walks towards a set of stairs. I just remain silent, following along behind him as he leads me down the stairs. Looking around wordlessly as he leads me to two doors, he faces the right one and opens it for me.

"This is the workout room. Don't go into the the other one, Sunmi. You don't want to get yourself into trouble that way. You can stay down in here and workout for as long or as short as you want. If you need something, you can find any of us upstairs, most likely in the living room for today and tomorrow." Namjoon informs me. I just nod my head, stepping past him and into the room before looking around in interest to see what all they have in here. With that, Namjoon leaves me here and goes back upstairs, letting the door fall shut behind him.

Taking a deep breath, I head over to the punching bag, just like I would at work. Not even thinking of the consequences that will most certainly follow from this decision, I try to focus myself on the bag in front of me so that I can begin going at it.

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