Chapter 69

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Taehyung POV

Not wanting to focus on what's happened this morning, I urge Sunmi to go rest up on the couch while Namjoon and I clean up. It'd been a lot harder than I would've expected, but it only makes me smile once she's making her way out of the kitchen.

"Hyung?" I speak up quietly once she's gone and we've begun collecting the dishes. Namjoon looks over at me curiously, a small smile on his lips as well.

"Yes, Tae?" He responds softly, taking the dishes from my hands and bringing them over to the dishwasher himself. I roll my eyes at him, knowing that hadn't been at all necessary but deciding against arguing over something so little.

"Do you think we could run out to the store today? Just the two of us?" I ask shyly, collecting the leftovers that had been on the stove top. He chuckles lightly at this, but I catch him nodding his head.

"Once we're done here, yes, Tae. Though, I'm not entirely certain it's the best of times for us to be running out in light of the recent events. You're sure you're comfortable leaving her here alone?" Namjoon responds calmly, not sounding at all surprised by my request.

I fall silent at the question though, knowing exactly what he's talking about. And as much as I'm grateful that he's not suggesting the ridiculous possibility of her trying to escape or anything of the sort, I wish it weren't questioning her damn safety in our own house that we've been living in for years now. The one building we've always known to be safe.

"You know what still doesn't add up to me though?" I question, thinking over what had happened again. Namjoon simply hums curiously in response, not bothering to properly verbally respond. Though, it's not like he really needs to anyways.

"How was someone able to get in the house without setting off the alarms? And why didn't the guards catch them to begin with?" I wonder aloud, bothered by the fact that someone was able to slip in so silently without a single one of us noticing. I hear my brother hum once more in return, sounding just as curious as myself about the matter.

"That's a good question, Taehyung. Our guards should've caught them to start with. I could understand if it weren't for getting past them being so puzzling." Namjoon responds quietly, sounding like he's thinking over the concern a little more carefully.

With that, the kitchen falls quiet, neither of us having anything more to add onto it. Thankfully, it doesn't take us much longer and the kitchen is soon clean once more. I look over to my brother, finding him already looking at me with a small smile.

"You're sure you're comfortable leaving her here for now? It's not going to be a successful trip if all you're going to be able to do is worry over her." Namjoon questions once more. I bite my lip, still not wanting to acknowledge that she might actually be in danger here. Taking a deep breath though, I nod my head.

"She's strong enough." I answer quietly, gaze locked on him. He frowns at this, clearly not convinced.

"Taehyung, we had one person already slip in. We don't know how quickly anyone's looking at attacking us with more than one person. She can only hold her own against so many and she shouldn't be fighting in her condition anyways. She's still not properly healed and doesn't have all of her strength or energy back yet either." Namjoon points out. I bite my lip, nodding in return.

However, he seems to accept this, the two of us heading out of the kitchen together. Though, instead of finding what should be a sleeping Sunmi on the couch, she's wide awake and stood over by the bookcase that Namjoon had installed just last year. Her head snaps in our direction when she hears the door shut behind us though, curiosity in her eyes as she looks over to us.

I just give her a small smile, walking over to her. She simply waits and watches though. It only makes my smile grow, loving just how adorable she is. Still loving how comfortable she's gotten with us and how she's no longer afraid of us. When I reach her, I swiftly pick her up bridal style, carrying her over to the couch as she bursts into a fit of giggles at my action. I can't help but grin at the beautiful sound, not the slightest bit bothered by just how much I love and adore this girl as I set her down on the couch before kneeling down in front of her.

"What was that for?" She giggles lightly, her beautiful blue eyes not nearly as cloudy as they'd been yesterday.

"You, missy, shouldn't be all up and about. You need to heal and you're not gonna do that by being up on your feet all the damn time." I scold gently, watching as she immediately rolls her eyes at me. It's not really a surprising response from her, something I've simply grown to find cute.

"Listen, Namjoon and I are gonna head out for a little while. Okay? I promise we won't be too long, but if something should happen, there's a cell phone in your room in the top bedside table drawer. It already has our numbers loaded in there, so call us if something happens. If anyone tries to get in here, you go get that phone and you fucking hide. I don't want anything happening to you, baby. Okay?" I inform her softly, reaching up to cup her cheek gently. I watch as she bites her lip at this, but nods her head silently.

"Alright. We'll be back soon." I tell her, leaning in and pecking her lips before standing to go back over to Namjoon so that we can leave.

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