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Something that irritates me when it comes to people a lot is a quitter. And 99.999% of the time people quit for the dumbest reasons.

You get lazy, you don't get compliments, your work doesn't get acknowledged, you don't get as many fans as you wanted... blah blah blah. 

Poor you. *Throws a pity party*

I especially hate it when someone here on wattpad is writing a story, I actually like it, AND THEN THEY SIMPLY QUIT WRITING IT BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GET ENOUGH READS OR STARS.

Seriously what the heck? Honey, your story is not going to get in the top 10 within a few days. I don't get why people decide to quit just because they didn't get the results they were expecting. That is seriously the dumbest reason to quit your hobby.

Walt Disney was turned down several times because people didn't think he had interesting "original" ideas. Did he give up? NO. AND LOOK WHAT THE EFF HE ACCOMPLISHED.

Thomas Edison was told that he was "too stupid to learn". IF IT WEREN'T FOR HIM WE WOULDN'T HAVE HALF OF THE MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY THAT WE DO TODAY.

Marilyn Monroe was turned down by many companies because they told her she wasn't talented and she wasn't pretty enough to be an actress. SHE DIDN'T LET THAT STOP HER.

Albert Einstein didn't speak until the age of four, and he didn't start reading until he was seven. His teachers told him and his parents that he was slow and would never catch up to the kids his own age. HE CREATED THE ATOM BOMB AND THE FAMOUS EQUATION E=MC2.

Even fricking Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first television show because she was told that she wasn't fit to be on screen. SHE HAS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS TALK SHOWS EVER.

Need I go on? So if all of these people can handle rejection and pursue what they love, why can't you?

Not everyone is going to like you, or like what you do. But why should you let that stop you? If you're doing something you love then gosh dang it, DO IT. Don't let naysayers stop you from doing what you love.

Be like Taylor Swift and "shake it off" or something.

I don't know.

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