Unwanted Opinions

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I just got back home from a long day of shopping and just hanging out with myself. This was my day off and I was planning on it being a fun day for me to relax and detox. I was having a fantastic day so far. I went to my job, got there on time, and had the easiest shift. I came back home and rested, then head out to shop. I needed to get some things from target and wanted to check out the thrift stores after right? Normal day off for me.

The unwanted opinions I am talking about is the fact that while I was shopping in Target I had not one, but two men offer their compliments to me while I was shopping minding my own business. It is so unnecessary for you to tell me that you like the jacket I have on while I was just casually trying it on in front of this mirror. 

I turned slowly to face him and frowned. "Why don't you smile sweetheart?" Is the remark he made. 

I honestly was so fed up at this point with his nosy conversation that I just rolled my eyes at him and walked off with my shopping cart. 

The point I wanted to make is that I will POUT. I will frown or cry or scream while I am minding my own business and it has absolutely nothing to do with yoU! Don't tell me to smile. We don't know each other and honestly it just makes you look like some old creep.

Which I'm sure he was. 

Also what the heck? Don't compliment me about a jacket I'm trying on ??? That's honestly so creepy. What were you doing? Watching me try on my jacket from a distance? 


Then when I was at the register at the thrift store, the cashier guy called me dear. "Oh, I can help you over here dear." And waved at me to come over to his register. 

I really don't appreciate being called outta my name by strangers. Especially men. 

There are cases where I don't mind. Like if an elderly woman calls me sweetie, or dear, I don't mind cause she's like a cute grandma you know? That's sweet. Or if a mom calls me something cutesy I don't mind too much. But people my own age and men calling me pet names like that really irritates me. 

You ain't my daddy. 

You ain't my grandpa. 

I ain't yo dear. 

Honestly. Just stick with calling ladies you don't know miss or ma'am. I don't know. Something more formal and polite. The cashier that called me dear wasn't even old. He was probably in his late twenties. Maaaaaaybe early thirties. Plus he was smiling and trying too hard to have a dragged out conversation with me. 

Another side note. I need to make a rant on people who don't read/ignore body language and social queues. But that's for another entry. 

Call me a grump or whatever. But honestly just don't call me weird old ppl pet names. 

It's awkward okay. 

Thank u, next.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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