Why The DMV Sucks

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Yesterday I went to the DMV with my dad because I had to turn in some forms and junk so I could start my behind the wheel test.

Look out pedestrians

Now I hadn't been to a DMV in a long time. But let me just say something to y'all. THE DMV HAS GOTTEN PROGRESSIVELY WORSE BECAUSE OF OBAMA OKAY?

That new law that Obama gave the "okay" on where immigrants can come to the US and get their drivers licenses... Yeah that's why the DMV sucks so much more now than ever. This place was JAM PACKED with Mexicans all coming with their 15 other family members to get their drivers licenses.

Now don't hate me because I'm ranting about Mexicans ok? I'm not racist and I love Mexicans. My best friend is Mexican so shut up.

But this honestly made me so irritated because I am a born and raised citizen of this country and people that are technically not even supposed to be living here have more privileges? That doesn't make sense to me.

But anyway yes I was waiting in line for literally two hours just so I could turn in a copy of my birth certificate and a copy of my permit... TWO HOURS FOR TWO PIECES OF PAPER YOU GUYS.

And you know why this wait line was so long?

Because there were a TON of Mexicans wanting their California Drivers Licenses. And that's probably one of the LONGEST procedures ever to go through in a DMV.

Not only that, but there were only two people at the front counter helping the long ass line of people. TWO PEOPLE. And once one of the two people helped you, they only gave you a ticket stub.

And once you get your ticket stub, you had to wait AGAIN. The only difference was that you could sit down and wait.

And basically everyone their clearly hated their job, so they all had these stupid rotten attitudes.

Like if you can't deal with people, then you shouldn't have a behind the desk job ok?

I have a job as a cashier at Del Taco and lemme tell you something honey boo boo. I understand that customer service sucks. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND. And that's why it takes a certain amount of patience to deal with this sort of job. I only have this job because I need money ok.

But yes back to the topic at hand. The DMV sucks, this new law Obama passed sucks, the hassle of getting a license sucks, waiting in line sucks, customer service sucks.

It all just sucks.

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