Why I Suck

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This is basically a continuation of what I previously wrote, but I wanted to publish at least SOMETHING so you don't all think I'm dead or something. But basically I've come up with a list of reasons why I suck at updating my wattpad stories into five short, easy to follow reasons.

1) I'm a lazy twat that loves to procrastinate. No matter how much it comes back to bite me in the ass, no matter how much I regret it afterwards, no matter how many all-nighters I've had to pull to finish a project, assignment, essay etc, I STILL PROCRASTINATE.

2) I have so many ideas for new stories, and plots, and characters, settings, scenes, plot twists, different time eras... SO MANY THINGS ALL THE THINGS. I just get overwhelmed by all of my own thoughts and ideas that I shut down.

3) I get distracted with other projects. I not only write, but I love making crafts and playing music as well. So I'm currently in the process of making an etsy shop.  I also make crafts to sell in craft fairs around my city, so I'm usually doing that instead of writing... oops. Also I play piano and violin, so my music schedule is insane. Not to mention I have random gigs and recitals spread throughout each month.

4) School sucks. I always have papers to write, books to read, tests to study for, assignments to do (usually the morning they are due or cramming them in the night before).

5) I'm pretty insecure about my writing to be honest. I know I'm not the best writer out there and my work isn't nearly as polished or interesting as others I've read. So honestly I get really shy about sharing my works with you all. I want it to be good and captivating. If I don't feel like I can achieve that standard, I won't post anything until I feel motivated and confident enough to do so.

So basically these are my 5 valid/non-valid reasons why I absolutely suck at updating on wattpad.

Do you ever just get so excited to write something, and then five chapters in you're like, "I hate this. This sucks. The plot is going no where, my characters are bland and boring, things aren't in chronological order. NOTHING MAKES SENSE JEIATGEnOHI."

Because me too.

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