Creepypasta Ships

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It's really unsettling when I see creepypasta ships... Like JeffxBen, JeffxSlenderman, BenxEyeless Jack... JEFFXJANE GOD I HATE THAT ONE SO EFFING MUCH.

I honestly can't stand creepypasta ships. They're almost as annoying as the "slender mansion" crap. Noooooooooooooooooooo. *screams*.

Creepypastas do not fall in love with each other T^T I prefer to see them as rivals. Each of them wanting to be the better killer, not effing lovers. That's just not okay.

Why do you fangirls even like that? They're not compatible at all...

And the stinkin JeffxJane ships... No. No you guys need to stop this right now. I can't stand it when I come across that pairing. To me, it's even more annoying than the other creepypasta ships.

Jeff and Jane are mortal enemies. MORTAL ENEMIES NOT LOVERS. They should in no way be sexually attracted to one another. Jane wants to kill Jeff for taking away her family, and pretty much destroying her life.

Jeff hates her because he's Jeff. He hates everyone. He doesn't love her, she doesn't love him.


500 points for anyone who got that reference XD

My point is, is that all the creepypastas should just continue to hate each other and only view them as rivals. Stop making them live together and have sexy times late at night.

It just doesn't fly with me guys. No me gusta.

This is just one of the many reasons why I am drifting away from the creepypasta fandom...

Some of you guys scare me. ;-;

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