Homicidal Liu

555 12 19

So I only recently learned about the "new" creepypasta Homicidal Liu... And kudos to all of you who like him. But as for myself, I'm not a fan. Honestly, Liu is better off being dead.


First of all, if I am correct, the original creator of Jeff the Killer did not create Homicidal Liu. And if that statement is correct, then the creator of Homicidal Liu got all this fame and recognition because he/she just made another form of plagiarism.

You can't take someone else's character, make him into something else, and say that it's original. That's just not okay. If I created Jeff the Killer and I found out that someone had taken Liu and made him into a creepypasta, I would have flipped some tables. Shiz would hit all kinds of fans of every shape and size. I would not be happy whatsoever.

And aren't there enough creepypastas with different personalities, mixed emotions, and mental instability? Well, I mean all of them are mentally unstable. But come on, taking some one else's character and saying he's new is a big no no. You should be put into plagiarism prison.

I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE THAT A REAL THING AND THROW THAT PERSON IN PLAGIARISM PRISON. You can sit in a circle and sing "Kumbaya" with all the other plagiarists. Because those kinds of people piss me off.

If you can't be 100% original with out copying, then you sir / ma'am should find a new hobby because that's not okay.

Another thing. This whole Homicidal Liu X Jane the Killer ship... I'm sorry but it doesn't fly with me. It flys with you? Kay cool, that's alright I guess. But I don't like it. Why would Liu want to be with a woman who's goal in life is to kill his brother?

And I can already hear the fangirls saying, "But Miki, Liu has a split personality and half of him wants to kill Jeff too!" No. That still makes no sense because even if Liu has a split personality, he should still be annoyed with her because she only talks about killing Jeff.

And think about this too please. The only thing Liu and Jane have in common is the want to kill Jeff. And only half of Liu is interested in that. Now I used to like Jane. I thought she was a cool character that was just misunderstood and she had more depth to her blah blah blah.

But then I realized that she was a boring two dimensional character that really had no personality. And Miki was just shooting for the stars, hoping there was something more to her. But no.

Anyway, back on track. Homicidal Liu is just another form of plagiarism, he's not original, and I honestly do not like his character. Please stay dead Liu, you are messing with Jeff's original story because HE KILLED YOU.

And I really hope that this JanexLiu stuff blows over because it's irrelevant, and they aren't compatible at all.

Someone give me the formula to make this whole LiuxJane ship sink like the Titanic.



Give me the formuoli.


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