Smelly People

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If there is one thing in this world that is in my "Top Five Things I Cannot Stand"... It would be smelly people/ people who have really bad hygiene.

Were you born under a rock? Do you not know what a bar of soap or a tube of deodorant is? Holy bajeezus people. SOAP AND WATER WERE CREATED FOR A REASON.

I will not name names, but there is this one girl I go to school with... Lord help me. But seriously... The foul stench that was produced from her pores was enough to kill a man. Her teeth were the color of butter, they looked crusty, her breath is putrid, and her hair looks really greesy...

Now, since she talks to me (me keeping a decent distance so I could breathe) I would occasionally try to drop hints that she needed to improve her hygiene.

Now I know some people are like, "Oh my gosh, that is so rude! You can't tell people that they stink or that they need to take a shower. That is really offensive!"

Um, excuse me? I am not being rude. I AM HELPING YOU. Dear god it's pretty much the same as if you were going to tell someone politely that they had something on their teeth. I am saving you from embarassment. Do not take offense, take it as a helpful hint.

I would rather have someone tell me that there was something on my face rather than walking around all day and not knowing until I got home and looked in the mirror.

But seriously. I can't stand it when people do not have good hygiene. You need to take a shower regularly, you need to apply deodorant, you need to brush your teeth, trim your nails, wash your clothes. Heck, even carry some mints or gum around with you.


I don't get why people think it's okay to smell disgusting and then go out in public.

Like seriously? No. That is NOT okay. If you can't take the effort to look and smell good, then you shouldn't leave your house whatsoever.

That is beyond repulsive. If I can smell you before I even enter a classroom that you are in, then you seriously have a problem.

Not to be disgusting, but seriously this girl smelled like a Vietnamese Fish Market. GO TAKE A SHOWER, BRUSH YOUR TEETH, PUT ON SOME DEODORANT, AND CHEW SOME GUM YOU UNCOUTH HEATHEN.

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