Specific Anime Character Rant...

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So what does this rant contain? Oh! That's right.


Oh. And more spoilers.

So I just got done watching this anime called Amnesia" thinking it was going to be really cool and all because it had an interesting story line, vivid colors, and of course the attractive anime men *-*

But you know what was the biggest turn off of the whole anime for me?

The "heroine". Effffff thatttttt. She wasn't a heroine. She was pretty much useless throughout the entire anime.

This may sound harsh, but I can;t stand her type of character. 80% of the time all she would say was "Um... I..." AND SHE NEVER EVEN WOULD SAY WHAT WAS ON HER MIND. DUMB GIRL. Ugh I was so angry with her in every episode. She let people walk all over her, she had 3 bullies that tormented her.

And she didn't tell anyone, and she didn't even stand up for herself. Now I know I have made a rant about being socially awkward... I don't like talking to new people, but if someone is giving me crap, I will not hesitate to put them in their place -.- I know how to stand up for myself unlike her.

Now I know she has amnesia... But what made it worse is that she hardly did ANYTHING to gain her memories back. She never really talked to the people that knew her, she never familiarized herself with the places she went to often except for her job at a cafe.


She had a frickin diary that she wrote in when she had all her memories, and she literally NEVER read it until the second to last episode. I was so infuriated with her. I wanted to reach through the screen and slap her.

Woman why you no investigate your own hoooooome. You could have read that diary in the first or second episode and gotten a better idea of who you were! *face palm*

And what made me even more angry. Like THE MOST OF ALL. THE CHERRY ON TOP. Was the fact that even though she knew that Ukyo was dangerous, she still got involved with him. I don't understand her.

Ukyo TOLD HER HIMSELF "DO NOT TRUST ME". And what does she do? She trusts him of course. -____- The 11th episode I think it was, he called her on his cell phone, confessed his love to her, and told her never to trust him again after he hung up, and to not exit her apartment NO MATTER WHAT.

**little bit of insight** Ukyo has a split personality disorder. One side loves her, the other side literally wants to murder her.**

She knows that he has this disorder, and she has escaped from him a few times when he has tried to kill her. So that same night, after he hangs up. He sends her a text saying he must end his life to protect her because he doesn't want to harm her. He tells her he will spend his last moments on earth at the university they both attend.

So of course, she goes to him. And turns out it was his evil half that sent the text cause he knew she was a dumbass and try to go to him since he said he was committing suicide. But of course, he did it so he could kill her.

At this point, I wanted her to die because she was so effing stupid. SO. EFFING. STUPID. HE TOLD YOU NOT TO TRUST HIM AFTER HE HUNG UP BUT YOU DID ANYWAYS YOU DIMWIT.

Unfortunately he failed with killing her. But by the way, she hardly fought for her own life -.- She pretty much just sat there shaking and was gunna let him stab her to death.


I'm done. No more spoilers. None of you probably want to watch this anime now that I've said all of this. But I had to, I was just so angry with her character.

Orion and Shin are amazing though. EVEN THOUGH -Felicity- TOOK DIBS ON SHIN D:<

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