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I'll probably sound like some old bitter single lady after this rant is over but I mean come on... get over it.

It's that time of the year again where people stress out for no good reason, and get more cranky than usual.

❤Valentine's Day❤

Ugh *vomits*

Now I don't dislike this day because I'm single. So don't get the wrong ideas.

I just generally dislike this holiday because it's so pointless. Why do we need one day a year when we have to go out of our way to show someone we love them?

If you ask me, you should be showing your family, friends, and or significant other that you love them EVERY day of the year.

Like honestly. If someone bought me chocolate or something on any day other than Valentine's Day or my birthday, it shows me 10x more how much I mean to you.

Now while we're on the topic of gifts... Valentine's Day gifts are so over rated. Flowers, candy, stuffed animals, cards. Etc.

Why not get me something practical? I'm not talking expensive. But you know, something that I could use often and won't get eaten in 5 seconds flat.

Like headphones, a phone charger, cause that ish breaks on me so often, cute socks. Don't judge me. I like socks with cute patterns ok? A movie date, baking with me, let's go try something new. I don't know. Lets make memories together. It's not all about materialistic things.

Also.. I don't get why people stress over buying someone an expensive gift or hella fancy boxes of chocolates or a bouquet of the best red roses in town. Like boyyyy calm your pants. If I liked reeces peanut butter cups, sunflowers, and daisies in the month of January and every other month of the year... chances are I'll still love/appreciate the same things on Valentine's Day ok? Don't waste so much money on things that DONT LAST.

Valentine's Day shouldn't just be for your significant other. It should be for family and friends as well. Like if you're single don't mope around and be all doom and gloom okay? EVERYONE HAS BEEN SINGLE ON VALENTINE'S DAY MORE THAN ONCE OK? ITS COMPLETELY NORMAL SO CHILL.

But my point here is that I don't need a national holiday for me to show you that I love you, or for you to show me that you love me ok? If you love someone you will show it daily and spoil them for no reason at all.

Point. Period. Blank.

Oh you guys can follow me on snapchat and instagram if it floats your boat:  natali3danc3

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