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Yep. This was bound to happen. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents dearly. But sometimes I just want to shout out from the rooftops.

1. Mom, why do you have to come in my room every 30 minutes to ask me what I am doing. I am with my best friend (the internet) I have done my chores, I have practiced my violin and piano, and my room is still decently clean. SO WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT I AM DOING? <.<

2. When my dad is talking to me and I don't say enough according to him. I AM TERRIBLE WITH CONVERSATIONS. YOU RAISED ME, WHY YOU NO UNDERSTAND THIS?

3. This astounds me. But I could do something she doesn't like. Like I don't want my brussle sprouts. She gets mad and brings up something I got in trouble for like three years ago. Seriously? I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I WORE YESTERDAY AND YOU REMEMBER THE C I GOT IN PRE-ALGEBRA WHEN IN WAS IN 6TH GRADE? Woman. How do you have such a good memory?

4. When my mom is constantly telling me I need to get out of my room and socialize... I am socializing. I am socializing through the internet. THE INTERNET MAKES LIFE EASIER FOR PEOPLE WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY LIKE MYSELF.

5. When It's that time of the month and I just want to eat, sleep, and have my laptop... But my mom wants to go shopping with me. Noooooo. I love you, but God please no. I don't want to do anything. I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND? ;-;

6. When my dad tells me I should be more active. Um. No. I'm allergic to everything that is outside, I hate running into people, I do not run, and I'm not over weight. So therefore in my mind, I am perfectly fine being lazy.

I feel like I'm awful for complaining about my parents but I just want to see who else can relate with me XD

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