You Are Annoying

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You know what I hate? People who take someone else's picture, and says it's them... And then I go on Google images, tumblr, any social media. AND I SEE THAT EXACT SAME PICTURE. Why are you taking someone else's identity? You are one creepy ass mofo. Don't take someone else's face and claim it's your own.

No. You were given your own face. Not theirs. Don't do that. No. STAHP BEING FAAAAAKE.

Now, what really made me do this rant is because some stupid person literally took the time to take some of my pictures of myself and make a fake Facebook, saying that she was me...

WTF WOMAN!? I reported the shhiieeaatt out of her account. Like dude... No. That is not okay at all.

Why are you taking my face and putting it places where I don't want it? ;-; (Ignore the awkward sexual innuendo right there.) But seriously... Do you really have THAT much free time that you are able to some how get access to my Facebook, take my pictures, and make a fake account?

Like what the hell man. WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME? You are so effing creepy. I can't even. I already hate giving out personal information on the internet to people I don't know, and here you are doing God knows what with my face.

I'm not happy Bob. NOT HAPPY (Incredibles reference anyone? ;D)

But seriously. I would not hesitate to smack this person upside the head and back up. I can't comprehend the stupidity and idiocy this person has stooped to.

Do not take other people's pictures and say it's you. Come on. That's beyond childish and stupid.

Just don't. No one likes it. And sooner or later, you will be found out. And you will be embarrassed.

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