Comatose {DamianWaynexReader}

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Damian and I were fighting two-face, Bruce had given us a last minute mission which we were to complete covertly. Obviously, that didn't happen. Damian wanted to bust him, and throw him in jail. Being Damian's girlfriend, I wanted to do whatever would make Dami happy so I obliged and followed him into the building.

"If we go through the vents we can spy on them without having to fight." I suggest. Damian shakes his head.

"No, I want to put a stop to this." He says. I nod my head, smiling.

"Okay Dami, lets go." I say as I get up, ready to leave. He grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Wait," he says as he plants a gentle kiss on my lips, "I love you."

"I love you too Dami, now let's catch em." I reply. He grins and we make our way towards the building. Damian and I enter through the window and creep around the many crates inside the warehouse to get closer to two-face and his goons. I peek out of my hiding spot and my eyes widen when they meet Harvey's. I gulp and slide down the boxes. I just blew our cover.

"Alright boys, just sign here." Harvey (two face) says. I raise an eyebrow; is he not going to say anything? Damian looks over to me from across the room and tilts his head. I shrug my shoulders and he signals to look. I nod my head and at the same time we poke our heads out from behind the boxes. All the men are gone. I stand up and so does Damian. Suddenly, a bomb was thrown into the building, it landed in front of Damian. I screamed his name as I tackled him to the ground, shielding him from the blast. The last thing I heard was a loud bang; then silence.

Damian's POV

I glance over to Y/N and tilt my head to the side, expressing my confusion. She shrugs her shoulders and I signal for her to look. She nods her head and we both sprung up from our hiding spots. Only, no one was there. We both stood up and began to walk towards where they just were. Out of nowhere, a bomb was thrown into the warehouse, it landed at my feet. I stared down at it in shock. Why can't I move? I'm frozen in fear. Before the bomb explodes I was tackled to the ground by someone. I notice that someone was my beloved, Y/N. My heart stops as I realize what she's doing. I want to shout at her but the explosive ignites, sounding a rattling boom as we were thrown back against the wall. I blacked out.

When I came to, the building was in flames and Y/N was beside me. She was badly bruised, burnt and battered. My heart shattered at the sight of the love of my life. I scurried over to her and checked for a pulse. It was there, and she was breathing. I started shaking her, desperately trying to get her to wake up, but nothing worked.

"Y/N, please." I pleaded, "I need you, beloved, please." I felt warm tears stream down my face. I picked her up gently and walked out of the burning building. My muscles ached at me to quit but I couldn't, not with Y/N's life on the line. I carried her through a corridor but froze in place. It was completely on fire. I quickly wrapped my cape around her and ran through the flames, my skin getting torched on the way through. Once I made it outside I sank to my knees, clutching Y/N to my chest. Dick was instantly by my side.

"I got a distress signal, is she okay?" He asks. I look up to him with tears in my eyes; looking back down at my beloved, sobs wrack my body. He placed a hand on my shoulder in reassurance but I brushed it off. I didn't want him to see me like this, I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I couldn't control myself as I held her close to me. She saved my life; I need to save hers. I stood up, legs wobbling. Dick offered to carry her for me but I refused. I spotted the batmobile in the distance and started running towards it, clutching Y/N closely to my chest.


It's been 2 weeks since Y/N saved me from the grenade and she still hasn't woken up. I've refused to leave her side until tonight when Dick came in to tell me they found Harvey. I was currently on my motorcycle, speeding to get to Harvey's hideout. All the anger I've felt towards myself for letting her jump in front of me like that has now been converted into anger towards him. It's his fault she's in a coma. As I approach the warehouse, Dick calls me. I decline it, he was probably just trying to warn me about going in alone. I didn't care, it surprised me how much love can change you. I parked my bike and quickly broke into the building through a window, instantly spotting Harvey leaning over a table of blueprints, his goons surrounding him. I received another call from Dick and I rolled my eyes, hanging up. I didn't need any distractions. Without planning ahead I swooped down and knocked out all the goons in minutes. Harvey was the only one standing, a smirk on his face and a gun in his hand.

"Where's your partner? " He asked me in a mock tone. I fumed and he sighed while sagging his shoulders in fake sorrow, "That's too bad. It was her fault really, she should've been more careful." I lunged at Harvey and he fired his gun in random directions, missing me each time. Once he was knocked out I continuously beat his face in, unable to control my rage.

"This is for what you did!" I yelled, "I hate you! I hate you!"

"Damian stop!" I heard a sweet voice yell. My heart skipped a beat as I looked around for my beloved. When my eyes finally landed on her my heart swelled. She still looked weak but held her ground anyways. I dropped Harvey from my fist and ran towards her, engulfing her in a hug. I could feel the tears streaming down my face and I inhaled the sweet smell of her hair.

"It's okay Dami, we're okay." She whispered while rubbing my back and squeezing me tight. I pulled back enough to plant a kiss on her lips.

"I love you N/N, so much more than you could ever know." I said softly, bringing her close to my chest once again and resting my head on hers.

"I love you too, Dami."

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